Never Love a Stranger

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Title: Never Love a Stranger
Author(s): Willa Shakespeare
Date(s): May 1993
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Never Love a Stranger is a Blake's 7 story by by Willa Shakespeare.

It was published in Southern Comfort #7.5.

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Unknown Date

"Never Love a Stranger" needs a considerable suspension of disbelief.[1]


Immediately post-Blake. Vila rescues Avon from the tracking room, and thinks about his earlier life as a delta *female* *love* *slave* bought for Roj by his dad to keep Roj company. *N*O*T*!* The story, if you can believe it, get s worse, as Avon relives getting pregnant with Blake's child, getting thrown out of Blake's house, having the child taken away, testing up to become an Alpha, meeting Anna Grant in college, acceding to Grant's wishes--dressing like a man so no one will know that Anna is a lesbian...I really can't go on. Suffice it to say that I was horrified when I realized this story was meant to be serious... [2]

Well ... I have to admire the author's audacity! I do tend to take notice when an author approaches the tried-and-true from a different angle; this particular take didn't work for me, but I envy the boldness of the attempt. [3]


(A/V, with B/A, A/Anna) Cracky idea treated very seriously (Avon was Blake's female love slave, encouraged to become a trans-man by Anna so that no one would know Anna was a lesbian, Servalan is B and A's kid). To be honest, despite the instinctive 'omg wtf?' response to the plot, actually I think the latter part of that tag (i.e. 'treated seriously' i.e. it's so poe-faced) is what's wrong with this. In later years, I think the writer would have written this as crack, straight up, and it would have been better for it. Few people are going to be able to take seriously that Servalan is Blake and Avon's child - even if they were willing to tolerate Avon as a woman or a delta. It's also (given that it wants to re-write Avon's life so drastically) far too short. Blake seems to be important to Avon throughout most of his narrative (i.e. he's looking for Blake and their child, he hates that he's now a man because Blake won't recognise him etc), but we dispense with all their time together in-show in a few lines (in which Avon talks about how much he disliked Blake in show! I think because he went off with Jenna). Anyway - clearly this fic is a building block on the way to greatness. It's a very early fic for this author, who has written much and much better since. [4]


  1. ^ review by Anonymous at Judith Proctor's Blake's 7 site
  2. ^ Review posted by Sandy Herrold to Lysator on March 6, 1994, quoted with permission.
  3. ^ Review posted by Lorna B. to Lysator dated March 8, 1994.
  4. ^ comments by Aralias, see full post at Lots of not very good zines, November 13, 2015