My youth is yours

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Title: my youth is yours
Author(s): lynnearlington
Date(s): 2017 - 2019
Length: 365,562
Genre(s): Femslash
Fandom(s): Supergirl
External Links: AO3
Cover art by justqueeerious (2020)

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my youth is yours is a Supergirl, Kara/Lena story by lynnearlington. It is often referred to as "the Supercorp fic"[1], and considered a must read in Supercorp fandom. As of June 2022, it has over 377,000 hits, 9100 kudos, 3300 comments, and 1800 bookmarks on Archive of Our Own.


“I hope we can be friends,” she says and Lena’s throat feels thick at the sound of it. “I care about you, you know.”

Heat spikes in the back of Lena’s eyes. “Friends,” she repeats. “Of course. Why couldn’t we be?”

The answer is obvious. They were never really friends, even when they technically were. Lena has zero idea how Kara plans to manage it now with all their history between them.

A sort of retelling of S2 under the premise that Lena and Kara went to college together and dated.

Reactions and Reviews

my other fucking favvvvv! literally marked my soul and id read this everyday if i could bc never in my life have i read a fic that made my heart hurt this much ily writer[2]

I’ve read this a few times as well. And also somehow listened to a podcast about it?? It is a masterpiece and beautifully crafted retelling of Supergirl storylines, picking up with Kara and Lena seeing each other in National City for the first time since their breakup from their college relationship. The relationship angst is unparalleled.[3]

Probably the most important and respected fanfic in Supercorp is “My Youth is Yours” by lynnearlington[4]

because yes, it is a definitely a good read whether you ship supercorp or not. the writing is smooth, and the transitions between juxtapositions are flawless. yay @lynnearlington[5]

liSTE N,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,i’m WAY TOO invested with my youth is yours at this point that i honestly can’t tell apart what’s canon supercorp and what’s myiy supercorp now,,, like if i see supercorp on my dash and it’s just kara and lena being friends!?! i just go,’they should look more in pain since they’re both trying to forget the fact that they dated at some point” aND THEN I REALIZE THAT IT’S THE CW KARA AND LENA WHERE THEY DO GAY THINGS BC *****THAT’S WHAT FRIEDNS ARE FOR****AND THAT THEY NEVER DATED, LIKE I FEEL S O ROBBED, I’m having trouble separating the fic from the show h ELP me[6]

Basically weaves through canon at the beginning—starts with the first appearance of Lena as she's the main POV—but diverges somewhat due to the established ex-Supercorp relationship.

The story itself is regularly interspersed with flashbacks to their relationship while Lena struggles to find her footing amidst the chaos that is canon season two of Supergirl.

There were a few flashbacks I was tempted to skip, but overall I really liked the story. I think some people might find Lena annoying, but by the time of this rec, their relationship is finally getting off the rocks—however this is a fic based on a show based on a comic book so of course something happens.

People might also find issue with the fact that the story still goes through stations of canon, but the focus is Lena and Kara's relationship so it doesn't bother me that they reuse canon action scenes with a twist.[7]

I just read this and I love it. The only annoying thing is me constantly screaming "just kiss her, you idiot!". Kara is all sunshine and bubbles and Lena really IS an idiot who gets in her own way.[7]

Also this story is a rollercoaster of emotions that’s so fucking beautifully written I am on the verge of tears 24/7.[8]

THE fandom classic. She has a way of doing that. It’s so well written you wont even realize you just read nearly 400k words. They are still in love obvs. They work through their shit respectively, especially Lena. Then they get back together. I loved how their dynamic, connection, love was written. Flashbacks to when they were together in college. Angst-meter on a low medium. Fluff. Loved every one of the 365,562 words. Must read.[9]

oh. my. god. this is one of my top 5 favorite fics. it's a long one, and it's a great one. glad i'm not the only one to see the chemistry in supergirl.[10]

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Further Reading
