My Way or the Highway

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Title: My Way or the Highway
Author(s): Rachel Anton
Date(s): November 1998
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links:
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My Way or the Highway is a MSR story by Rachel Anton.

Reactions and Reviews

Unknown Date

NC-17. Warning, this is an other story. Its an MSR but the NC 17 portions are not MSRs, if that makes sense. I'm finding it hard to summarize this story, becuase [sic] I tought [sic] it was well written and a very interesting take on post "The Beginning" msr, yet the personal(meaning to me, Amy, not the author) symbolism in the story is very saddening. The Beginning seemed liked an ending of sorts, which in a sense every beginning truly is. This story made me cry, though I'm not sure if I was crying for Mulder, for Scully or for myself for still believing. I'll stop writing now, but one last thing, I have to say this about Rach. I respect her so much for posting this story, and if you love, liked or didn't like the story, let her know, and let her know why, but PLEASE be respectful-a lot of time she's the inspiration that keeps me and this site going. [1]

My very very favorite Scully/Krycek. Ratboy takes Scully on a little road trip. Great angst, great smut, and of course that thing that makes all s/k stories great, a little MSR. [2]
