Moving In (To Every Single Aspect of Danny’s Life, Including the Boring Bits like Dry-Cleaning)

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Title: Creating Moving In (To Every Single Aspect of Danny’s Life, Including the Boring Bits like Dry-Cleaning)
Author(s): westgirl
Date(s): 11 September 2012
Length: 9,688 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Creating Moving In (To Every Single Aspect of Danny’s Life, Including the Boring Bits like Dry-Cleaning) (AO3)

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Creating Moving In (To Every Single Aspect of Danny’s Life, Including the Boring Bits like Dry-Cleaning) is a Steve/Danny story by westgirl.

Summary: It felt wrong for Steve to sound unsure of his place in Danny’s life. His place in Danny’s life was at Danny’s side, driving him slowly insane. Steve should feel secure about that.

Recs and Reviews

Why You Should Read This: I sort of rage-quit reading H50 fic after the epic fail of Danno’s moral compass. No really, I even bitched about it on LJ. I don’t even know why I clicked on this story tonight on Pinboard but I’m glad I did. I can’t say that it’s entirely restored my whole shipper mentality for Steve/Danny but this author made me laugh and it’s a great little story about Steve being an emotional octopus.[1]

It’s so damned cute. And funny. Steve Keeps doing things that People Just Don’t DO, and Danny goes along because Steve.[2]

I’m just endlessly delighted with Danny’s names for Steve’s faces, and Steve’s wooing by attrition. The term ‘stealth-marrying’, just dies.[3]

This is basically just a story about how Steve falls naturally into every aspect of Danny’s life. Pure fluff!!![4]

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