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Title: Missing
Author(s): trueriver
Date(s): 9 & 15 August 2005
Length: 3157 words (1456 and 1701 respectively)
Genre(s): futurefic
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: "Missing", "Found" (archived on MRF)]

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Missing is a short story by trueriver based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer, set after the end of the novel when Laurie and Ralph are lovers but the war is still on. The sequel is nominally entitled "Found" (subtitled "Part 2 of Missing"); but they tend to be treated as halves of the same story.


When Alec comes round to tell him that Ralph is missing in action, Laurie has difficulty believing it, the more so since the two of them had not said goodbye properly. Later, he asks Alec to use his connections to see if he can find out more: Ralph turns out to be all right, and returns on leave.


Comments on Part One included the following:

  • "Oh god, don't let him be dead! I am on the edge of my seat - you hooked me bad...."—comment by cyberducks
  • "I love the atmosphere you maintained throughout the whole thing. And that goodbye kiss! Oh, it make me choke up! Very well done. I can't wait for Laurie to find Ralph (I am, of course, pulling for some hot reunion sex. Please? Please?)"—comment by poicale
  • "Very nicely written, but so sad. It's heartbreaking to think of what people did actually go through during the war.
    But of course, Ralph isn't dead, oh no, and I'm with Poicale - I can't wait for them to be re-united. ;D"
    —comment by gaycrow
    • "Thank you very much gaycrow, I was just allowing Laurie to have a taste of the feelings Ralph had to endure. I promise not to let him suffer too long..."—reply by trueriver
      • "Quite right. Do him a world of good. He should really, really have to consider life without Ralph for a bit, so as never to keep hankering for the never-was Andrew thing - and in order to realise at last how infinitely rare and precious what he has with Ralph is."—comment by shezan

Comments on Part Two included the following:

  • "I love the ending! I loved the whole thing. This is definitely one I will reread again and again. :-) You captured Ralph's essence in this, I think. And I am glad Laurie got to suffer just a bit but had it all turn out well in the end. "—comment by poicale
  • "This is lovely :) And hot. And I'm reading this in the office and trying to keep my squeals to myself"—comment by queen_ypolita
  • "[...] Ketchup, ketchup, ketchup! Funny thing - I am not that fond of ketchup in rl as a condiment - more of a honey mustard girl myself - but in Charioteer fic it's the yummiest thing ever. "—comment by cyberducks