Misplaced in Purgatory

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Title: Misplaced in Purgatory
Author(s): Judith Gran
Date(s): 1996
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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Misplaced in Purgatory is a K/S story by Judith Gran.

It was published in the print zine Amazing Grace #3.


"An unusual alien contact/captivity story, unable to “speak”, Kirk and Spock are institutionalized as intelligently substandard by the telepathic populace on the planet they crashed landed on."

Reactions and Reviews

Judith Gran keeps us in suspense. This is a long, very gripping story with a lot of good plot and good sex. But this story tells us even more. It tells us about the worth of human beings, about prejudices and injustice. I think this author writes very demanding stories.[1]

Kirk and Spock crash land on a planet with a culture similar to that of present day Earth where they are regarded as severely retarded, and treated accordingly. This story does what many of the best Star Trek episodes did, which is hold up a mirror to our own society. In this case, the image reflected back is an extremely ugly one. An excellent job of spotlighting the abuses with which our "modern" institutionalized care facilities are plagued, and the horrifying ease with which the taxpaying public is duped into supporting them. [2]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #1
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #27