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Title: Misericorde
Author(s): Randym
Date(s): May 1993
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Misericorde is a Blake's 7 story by Randym.

The pairings are T/V, A/So.

It was published in Southern Comfort #7.5.

Reactions and Reviews


Misericorde -- a PGP story; Vila has spent 3 years fruitlessly lusting after his shipmate and friend Tarrant (hey, it could happen), when Soolin (who has become a member of the Dark Priesthood) finds them, and hires them to take her to mercy-kill Avon. Seeing Soolin, facing the fact that she will never love him, Tarrant finally gives into Vila's wiles. [1]

Very depressing. Naturally, I loved it! Seriously, I can see a T/V relationship developing under these circumstances. And as pointed out by Sandy, Soolin (so often neglected) was well drawn. [2]


"Misericorde" by Randym isn't a love story or a sex story. It is, however, an adult story; one that is most appropriate to the dark B7 universe. Tarrant and Vila are working as smugglers after GP. with Vila casting long, lustful glances Tarrant's way. As the story progresses, we learn that they aren't the only survivors of GP, nor is Vila the only rebel with a case of unrequited love. It's a well plotted, unusual piece of fanfic with a grim, bittersweet ending. [3]


This one is pretty good, though Randym is a very good writer and this could have been excellent. PGP, Vila and Tarrant are staying alive and making do. The T/So plot is a bit superflous but doesn't not-work. [4]


  1. ^ Review posted by Sandy Herrold to Lysator on March 6, 1994, quoted with permission.
  2. ^ Review posted by Lorna B. to Lysator dated March 8, 1994.
  3. ^ from IMHO* #2 (1995)
  4. ^ comments by Aralias, see full post at Lots of not very good zines, November 13, 2015