Mirror Among the Stars

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Title: Mirror Among the Stars
Author(s): Janet Kragg
Date(s): 1986
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Mirror Among the Stars is a gen Blake's 7 story by Janet Kragg.

It was published in The Other Side #2.

Reactions and Reviews

A "mirror universe" tale, in which in one universe Servalan and the Feds are "Good" and Blake's rebels "Evil", and in the other universe the other way round. Reads like Trek forced onto b7, but then I like the idea that b7 dealt with moral grey areas that more traditional telly sf didn't (and Classic Trek made a big thing of this "good vs evil" "mirror universe" concept. Am not sure whether later Trek universes used it or not).[1]

Again, I skipped most of this, which is a shame because I like a mirror universe, but they didn’t seem to be doing anything in either the normal universe (now with good Servalan) or evil universe (now with evil Liberator crew). Think Star Wars episode 2: lots of sitting around on couches exchanging passionless dialogue (though the bit where real!Servalan murders all the evil!Liberator crew is quite amusing – but where is her confrontation with evil!Avon? We just skip it! Surely that’s the most interest bit). Quite interesting to discover that Avon & co. are indeed the heroic versions of themselves (what a very depressing thought/no, it isn’t – they are good, really)... but I like the squeaky clean, good-version idea from the kink meme more. Also, I understand there are more mirror universe fics out there in the world – but at least one looks like boyfandom fic. Which is a shame.[2]

'Mirror Among The Stars' got away with an old plot with a nice twist on the Liberator crew: ruthless bastards. Make one wonder what Space Rats would be like in their universe. Travis is likely a Monk! But Anna and Blake running the Library!? Hmmm.... [3]

This was interesting - a nice Servalan from another universe. It was interesting hearing what different people were like from where she was from. Blake married to Anna? The B7 of her universe were down-right mean and nasty. The original Servalan deserved them. [4]


  1. ^ Predatrix at both Knightwriter and Judith Proctor's Blake's 7 site
  2. ^ Aralias reviewed this zine in 2013 on DW, Archived version
  3. ^ from a letter of comment in "The Other Side" #3 (1987)
  4. ^ from "The Other Side" #4