Metamorphosis (Star Trek: TOS zine)

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Title: Metamorphosis
Publisher: Love Child Press & Nimoy Factor
Editor(s): D.T. Steiner
Date(s): 1973-1976
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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Metamorphosis is a Star Trek: TOS anthology.

While the two zines were technically gen, issue two was quite slashy.

The original plan was for it to be published five times a year. In reality, there was an issue in 1973 and one in 1976.

In July 2002, the author reprinted the two zines as a single combined issue.

an ad from the 1973 Equicon program book

Zine Guidelines

The editor has a lot of guidelines in issue one regarding submitted art and articles.

Steiner also addresses other content:

As for zine policy and criteria on written material, there are only a few guidelines and points I want to discuss with you. First of all, where I receive something from you, if I take it, I will print it as is. I am not going to cut, edit, and/or rewrite the thing until you can't recognize it. The reason for this is that I have had some unhappy experiences alone this line and I know how aggravating it can be to find that the editor has changed it so much that it's not mine anymore, it's the editor's piece. I'm sure you all feel the same way about your material, so I won't do that to all you eager contributors out there either!

Since most of the club memberss so far are of mature age (young adult) and as the majority of you are college age, I would assume that we could set a more adult tone to our stories and articles. However, this is everyone's zine. If something offends you, don't suffer in silence! Let me know about it. Ditto if you liked something and want to see more of the same. I will try to comply with whatever the majority's stance is. To do this I need to know what each of your feelings are on the subject.

As a would-be contributor, the only restrictions facing you on METAMORPHOSIS are those you set up in your own mind. What I mean is that it doesn't take any intelligence to say something flat out. Any hack can do that. Subtlety and allusion not only have great charm, but they reveal a mind of high creativity and maturity. They are also more fun for both the writer and the reader. For the writer they provide a challenge and they allow the reader to participate more in the story. Readers really do enjoy it more if you leave some things to their imaginations. Plus, you don't risk any howls of outrage because each individual finishes blocking out some things in his own mind and it's his mind!

To state my own position: 1. As a writer, I detest censorship. 2. As an editor, I'm responsible for what other people will read and I must take those other people into consideration. 3. I'm forced to decide on my own judgement what I feel we should run and not run beforehand. Under such circumstances safety would seem to be the better part of discretion in most instances! 4. Lastly, the man we are proporting to represent is a man of quality, of dignity, and a man deserving of respect. Therefore, in view of that, I will not run any story, or review, or article which I feel degrees the dignity of that man.

If you are in doubt as to whether or not something is suitable send it in. What have you got to lose? If I feel that it should be toned down a little, I will discuss it with you beforehand and you will decide what's to be done, if anything.

This is not, I hope, a sugar, saccharine, goody two-shoes publication. Neither is it a gripe box. We welcome all opinions and want to know what you think, good, bad, or indifferent, but we are primarily here for fun and we also have a frank admiration for Leonard Nimoy. Therein lies the criterion for material. So if in doubt, try me.

After all, if I print something that brings the wrath of Allah down upon me it will be my neck that's in the noose, not yours. Nu?

Issue 1

Metamorphosis 1 was published in 1973 and contains 68 pages.

The front cover is by Greg Jein, the back cover by Sam Steiner, interior illos by Alan Andres, Karen Flanery, Masie Green, and Douglas Herring.

front cover of issue #1 by Greg Jein
back cover of #1, photocopy of the back cover by Sam Steiner: "Bohemian"

The zine is dedicated to "Leonard Nimoy, a brother on the road."

From a 1973 flyer:

detail from the front cover, a cheeky poke at her own zine, Spock Enslaved: McCoy (with Spock looking over his shoulder) is reading this racy zine, and there is a Playboy centerfold in the center.
FIRST BURT REYNOLDS [refers to a centerfold in Playboy]. Well, have we got your attention? Good! Then let me tell you a little about METAMORPHOSIS and SPOCK ENSLAVED!. Now, I'm not going to promise you a centerfold or anything like that, but artist friend Greg Jein certainly has an interesting imagination, doesn't he? METAMORPHOSIS is a new, mixed-bag Nimoy/Trek zine with the emphasis on quality plus quantaty [sic] [1]. First issue features such fandom greats as Ruth Berman, Greg Jein, Alan Andres, and Karen Flannery [sic]. Need I say more? Subscriptions $2.50 per year for five issues, or 50¢ an issue. Submissions welcome -- We pay in contributors' copies.

  • Contributor's Page (5)
  • Leonard Nimoy by Karen Flanery (6)
  • Alpha Waves, editorial by D.T. Steiner (7)
  • News Of Your Favorite Berry by D.T. Steiner (11)
  • They Went That Away by D.T. Steiner (14)
  • The Intrepid by Douglas Herring (15)
  • The Intrepid Incident by D.T. Steiner (reprinted in Archives #1) (15)
  • Catlow by Ruth Berman (16)
  • Have Some Madeira M' Dear by D.T. Steiner (17)
  • To Jim by D.T. Steiner (21)
  • "The Man In The Glass Booth" review by D.T. Steiner (23)
  • Federation Planet by D. Snyder (28)
  • "Spock" Favors McGovern by Bob Yuskavage (29)
  • Convention Calendar (31)
  • Ads: Part 1 (31)
  • Leonard Nimoy by Karen Flanery (33)
  • Oliver! Oliver! by Karen Flanery (34)
  • Kirk, Spock, And McCoy (37)
  • Summer's End (Part 1) by D.T. Steiner (38)
  • The Enterprise by Douglas Herring (60)
  • Stars' Child by D.T. Steiner (60)
  • My Reasons For Being by Musie Green (60)
  • Spock and Kirk with Friend by Alan E Andres (61)
  • A Piece of the Action--Letters (63)
  • Ads: part 2 (67)
  • You Are Getting This Zine Because
  • Bohemian by Sam Steiner (back cover)
  • Editors' blessings (not listed in the table of contents)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

On my last day of the Star Trek Con in New York, when entering the huckster room on my 28th visit, I spied a flyer which I quickly stuffed in my clipboard/notebook. (Anyone who stands around reading a flyers in the huckster room not only blocks traffic, but has the opportunity to be trampled to death by 7000+ trekfen.) So upon compiling my junk in the hotel room Monday night, I quickly read a flyer which began, "First Burt Reynolds..." and erupted into a scream of anguish when reading the line, "such fandom greats as Ruth Berman, Greg Jein, Alan Andres, and Karen Flanery." Never have I ever been called a fandom great before, and seriously doubt whether the addition of my name will cause one more fan to buy a copy of "Metamorphosis." But not matter...

My first reaction was neither rage nor exhilaration as you might suspect... but guilt. I felt for that kind of advertising campaign, the readers deserved a little more than I gave you with the artwork I sent you.

[editor's reply]: Alan sent some more work for the next issue [of "Metamorphosis"] and signed off, "Guilty, Alan." Isn't guilt wonderful. In my book, Alan is great and the quality of his artwork is only exceeded by his modesty! ((Listen, Alan, let me tell you about guilt. After ardor had cooled I rethought that rather rash statement and decided it would cause the first two people mentioned to never speak to me again. While both are fans and great, neither fits into the category of "fandom great," [as they are] both working professionally. So apologies... Ruth and Greg. [2]

Issue 2

front cover of issue #2, Douglas Herring - this same character is also portrayed in Star Trek Nuts & Bolts #1
back cover of issue #2, Gee Moaven

Metamorphosis 2 was published in August 1976 and contains 80 pages, offset. Illustrations by Alice Jones, Gayle F, Douglas Herring, Connie Faddis, Signe Landon, Joni Wagner, Debbie Collin, Gerry Downes, Mary A. Emerson (foldout of Kirk and Spock), Kathy Penland, Lorraine Tutihasi, and Gee Moaven. Original cost $3.50.

"This issue is dedicated to Carol Frisbie and Kathy Penland, without whose assistance meta could not have morphosized."

The editorial:

Hello! And Ha! Aren't you glad it's the Bicentennial year? Oh, no? Well, history buffs, you're now holding in your hands the Bicentennial issue of the late, __________ (add your own adjective) META—containing the longest (in duration) two-part story in fandorm. A distinction I could do without, but one cannot deny the facts. Boring excuses later....

Not only is this META's Bicentennial issue, I was thinking of calling it the Death and Insanity issue—likelihoods which could be ascribed to the editor as well as the contents (especially after you see them)! But I'm sure each of you have your own cherished expressions for the fanzine that left you hanging on the cliff's edge with Spock precisely...ah...some time ago. True to form, and not to be outdone, the characters have done it again. (Don't blame me, I only work for them!) "Summer's End" is not the END, as it were, but the first story in a lengthy trilogy.

NOW WAIT! Before you get out the tar and phasers feathers, let me make one thing "perfectly clear." You won't have to wait years for the next story, because it will be published elsewhere. So there!

Now on to better things, like the rest of the issue. In keeping with the meaning of our title, META presents a fine diversity of material in this issue. From the Kraith universe, we have Joan Winston's "The Maze," and from an alternative time-stream, so to speak, Connie Faddis, "Letting Go." The romantic past lives again in Don Trimmer's "Errantry," and Jackie Bielowicz provides us with a 23rd century who-dun-it, Enterprise style! In addition, we are blessed with a first-rate assortment of poetry and artwork from some of fandom's best writers and artists.

All in all 'tis a 'zine I am very satisfied with, no small thanks to the last minute help of a number of people. Special thanks are due to Doug Herring, Gee Moaven, Connie Faddis, Joni Wagner, [Gayle F] and Gerry Downes for coming through at the eleventh hour with needed artwork, etc., and to Carol Frisbie and Kathy Penland for invaluable input on "Summer's End." But the all-time eleventh hour price has to go to Kathy Penland for the long hours spent typing the #&*7&* camera-ready copy to meet an impossible deadline, that was met, needless to say. Kathy also did ail of the creative title lettering, my drawing talents being nil.

So if META looks good to you, it's because I had some good people helping to make it that way!

And now, time out while the editor sobs and bitches a little! You may notice that "Summer's End" is strangely lacking in illustrations. I had planned them and thought I had them, but agreed artist folded on me at the last minute due to personal problems, leaving me with no option but to publish it without illos (save one, thanks to Mary Emerson! [3]). I am going to have it illoed yet, then will print a limited-run art-folio for those of you who may be interested. SASE if you're interested in more particulars on the project.

One more thing re. "Summer's End": I'll provide a Zerox of Part I at cost to anyone who may want it. Part I ran twenty-two pages; I can Zerox copies for 5 cents per page currently; please add approx. 60 cents for postage; if it's less that that, I'll return it with the copies. I intended to prologue Part I here, but discovered that there were so many things I'd have to bring into it the prologue would have been as long as the story (well, almost). Since META I is permanently out of print, offering a Zerox of Part I is the best solution to the problem that comes to mind.

One last problem, I promise. After I had the layout set in, I realized with horror that I couldn't locate the identity of the mystery author who sent me "The Final Frontier" for publication. So if said person will come forward from the void, I will gladly fork over their contributor's copy, plus the credit due in The Sensuous Vulcan.

And speaking of that, S.V.'s lack of arrival has been due to a lack of material! So come on, send in those closet stories! The circumspect among you can employ pen-names.

As to META, I'm already being asked if there will be a number three. That depends on you, the readers, and on you, the artists and writers. If there's a demand, there will probably be another issue. All I'll say now is that I enjoyed doing this issue and hope that you enjoy it too after the long wait.

  • Snoopy cartoon by Bert McCumber (2)
  • Alpha Waves, editorial by D.T. Steiner (3)
  • The Enemy Within by Connie Faddis (4)
  • The Premature Ejaculation by "D.C. Anonymous" (5)
  • Where No Man by Gerry Downes (6)
  • The Maze by Joan Winston (Kraith: VE KCVI, includes domestic discipline) (there is a sequel, "From Both Sides," by another author to this story in Galactic Discourse #2) (7)
  • Leonard Nimoy, alias, the Zombie (16)
  • "Zombies of the Stratosphere" (review) by G. Jein (17)
  • The Illogic of Your Position by D.T Steiner (18)
  • Errantry by Don Trimmer (18)
  • For Her, poem by Trinette Kern (25)
  • Letting Go by Connie Faddis (A look into the future several years beyond the five year mission. A diplomatic assignment has ended in the death of all except Kirk and McCoy. We read of Kirk's thoughts as he holds a gravely injured McCoy and waits for a rescue that may not be in time to save their lives.) (26)
  • The Dream, poem by Kathy Penland (32)
  • And the Promise, poem by Kathy Penland (33)
  • Lines We'd Like to See Just Once: photos (34)
  • Saboteur by Jackie Bielowicz (35)
  • Mnemonic Engraving, poem by Kathy Penland (40)
  • Summer's End (Part 2) by D.T. Steiner (41)
  • Relativity by Connie Faddis (76)
  • The Final Frontier (76)
  • Kirk and Spock: Foldout by Mary Emerson (77)
  • IDIC: Zines and Ads (79)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2

See reactions and reviews for The Maze.

Finally, Meta #2 came out and we can read the conclusion to 'Summer's End!' The editor has worked up an excellent issue with superb layout and top quality illos by Landon, Moaven, Herring, Faddis and others. Good choice of material, too: the light comedy balances out the blood 'n guts.

'The Maze' is a Kraith Warder-Leige (Spock/Kirk) tale with some lovely Signe Landon illos. The story starts out well but takes an absurd turn of events, making 'The Maze' either a ridiculously serious story or a seriously ridiculous story. Take your pick.

'Saboteur' is an amusing whodunnit about the Enterprise being sabotaged by an officer on board -- the culprit is either one of two grinning Vulcans!

'Errantry' is a delightful tale of Sir Kirk, knight errant, his trusty Squire and his noble steed, Phazer, complimented by a beautiful Gayle F illo...

'Letting Go' is a well-handled McCoy story complete with Connie's scratchboard illo. Gory and good, 'Letting Go' prepares the reader for 'Summer's End.' There is no synopsis for SE, part one, but it doesn't take you too long to find out that poor Spock is getting the royal green stuffing knocked out of him by a bad-ass Romulan sadist named Kortran... Coming out after, 'The Logical Conclusion, 'Summer's End' is not that impressive as a get 'em, and Spock's eventual recovery is tedious and drawn-out. And to add aggravation, it's not even the end of the story. Grrr... another lengthy wait for the next part? ...

Meta #2, altogether, is a classy, well-written zine with some of the best writers and artists around. [4]

At last! META 2 is available at last, and with It, part II of the longest two-part story in fandom, SUMMER'S END. It was well worth the wait, believe me! Diane has a rare talent to write the ultimate "get" stories SO well, that you suffer every instant with the characters. And the stories that keep SUMMER'S END II company are or equal merit, not to mention the fine art work and poetry! Authors include such names as C.R. Faddis, Gerry Downes, Kathy Penland, Joan Winston and Diane herself. [5]

A well written zine. Has a story written by Joan Winston. Has a beautiful story "Summer's End" written by the editor. I really enjoyed this zine and highly recommend it. It has good writing, good art, and good poetry. It's well worth the price. [6]

Combined Issue

cover of the combined issue

The original publications were by Love Child Press in Grand View, Idaho. There was an "authorized second printing" in July 2002 by Halcyon Enterprises in Springfield, Oregon, that combined both issues.

That issue of the zine uses the cover of the original first issue, but with an altered list of contributors.

The original cover highlighted: Ruth Berman, Greg Jein, Alan Andres, Douglas Herring, Karen Flanery, and Musie Green

The reissue's cover highlighted: Ruth Berman, Connie Faddis, Karen Flannery, Douglas Herring, Greg Jein, and D.T. Steiner.

Ironically, the reprint has a short errata from Steiner correcting Andres' name on the cover from "Alan Andres" to "Alan E. Andres," but then spells Flanery's name, which was correct on the first cover, as "Flannery" on the reprint cover.


  1. ^ "quality plus quantaty" is an ironic typo.
  2. ^ from a letter of comment in "Metamorphosis" #1
  3. ^ Despite this mention of a single illo, there are none.
  4. ^ a review from Interphase #4
  5. ^ from Off the Beaten Trek #2
  6. ^ from Fanzine Review 'Zine #2 (1977)