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Pairing: Merrill/Hawke
Alternative name(s):
Gender category: Femslash, Het
Fandom: Dragon Age
Canonical?: player determinant
Prevalence: uncommon
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Merrill/Hawke is a popular pairing of Merrill and Hawke from Dragon Age II. It can be either femslash or het depending if players created a female or male Hawke.


Merrill is a possible romance option for both a male and female Hawke. Both the friendship and rivalry romances are available to those who wish to romance Merrill. During the course of the romance the player can convince Merrill to regain her peoples history and aid her in the quest, or to give up on the past and quit trying altogether. As with other romance options in Dragon Age II Merrill's armor can be upgraded upon completion of various stages of the romance subplot. Merrill also has the option of moving in with Hawke during the second act of the game. After the final decision is made by Hawke and if Merrill's romance arc has been pursued she will affirm her love for Hawke and they will share an intimate moment before the game concludes. Varric's epilogue will state that every companion of Hawke's had to separate from the Champion's side, "Except Merrill of course".


As Merrill is a potential love interest for Hawke they are often paired together, although the pairing is typical more popular in femslash.

Common Tropes & Fanon

  • Angst relating to Hawke's possible fate in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
  • Hawke and Merrill aiding the Inquisition together due to Merrill's work with her Eluvian.


Female Hawke/Merrill




Male Hawke/Merrill




Art Gallery

Archives & Fannish Links

Female Hawke/Merrill

Male Hawke/Merrill

