Masters and Minions Series

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Title: Masters and Minions Series
Author(s): Medea
Date(s): 2001 or earlier - 2002
Length: novel, series
Genre(s): AU
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: Originally hosted at archived link, now available at

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Masters & Minions is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer series by Medea.

Alternate-Universe in which Willow is unexpectedly made a vampire by a minion. The series follows her adjustment to a new existence, with the help of Angel and Spike, her vampire mentors, as well as the support of her Wiccan coven sisters, who accept her despite her demon. A world in which not all vampires are evil.

The series pairs Willow/Angel/Spike, and is technically incomplete, as the tenth installment was never finished or posted.


Masters & Minions I received the award for Best Vamp Willow Characterization in the 2001 Willowy Goodness Awards.[1] The following year, the series won Best Willow Series overall in the same awards.[2] Also in 2002, the series won the Halo Award for Best Alternate Reality.[3]

Reviews & Reception

This is the best series that I've read yet based on Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel. The entire thing is wonderfully written and Medea creates an interesting perspective on vampire soceity. Several of the stories in the series focus around what binds people together; friendship, love, hate, or camaraderie.
The story mainly follows Willow as she is turned into a vampire and the events that follow. I know there are plenty of fics out there where (insert random name of scooby member here) is turned into a vampire. This one is different though. For one thing, there is an actual story in there. Plus the character that has been changed hasn't completely lost their personality. Willow is still there. She's just a little different. She's changed species after all. We can't expect her to be the same person any more. [4]

Excellent storytelling. I loved Willow's proactive response to her situation. I loved the exploration of Buffy's reaction to her best friend's turning. I loved the support Willow continued to receive from Tara. I appreciated how Willow's relationship with Angel didn't really begin until after Buffy's death. I read with awe the vengeance visited upon the WC by Willow, Spike, Ripper and Angelus. (It was truly disturbing descriptions of horrific torture. I may actually have nightmares.) I loved Willow's quest. I would love to read more details about Willow's adventures on her quest. Each part of the story was creatively conceived and well executed. I consider myself a pretty die-hard B/A shipper, but I liked this story.[5]
