Make Your Bed (Lie in It)

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Title: Make Your Bed (Lie in It)
Author(s): glimmerglanger
Date(s): March 23, 2021-April 5, 2021
Length: 58k
Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Partial Fix-it, Bed Sharing
Fandom(s): Star Wars, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
External Links: AO3 Archived

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Make Your Bed (Lie in It) is a popular Star Wars: The Clone Wars story by glimmerglanger featuring the pairing Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi. The fic was one of the most popular Codywan works on AO3 with over 6,700 kudos and 72,000 hits.[1] It was deleted along with the rest of their works on May 4th, 2023.


Summary: Crys hissed, sounding awed, “You slept with the General?”

Cody tugged his bucket down fast enough to hide a wince. In the light of dawn, with his head not so fogged and bleary from fatigue, it didn’t seem half as logical as it had the night before. But he’d be kriffed before he told Crys that. He said, tone even, “Couldn’t have him freezing to death. Let’s go.”

OR, the one where Cody starts sharing quarters with Obi-Wan a year into the Clone Wars, and it changes many things.

Reactions and Reviews

Archive of Our Own

Omg this is literally one of the best fics I've ever read. That ending was exactly what I needed, writing was impeccable, and the entire story had the most perfect balance of -- everything. This is one of the few fics where I wish so so bad that I could leave a million kudos. I don't know what any of us did to deserve being graced with such a beautiful fic. This was really incredible.


Just brilliant! From humble bed-sharing bingo beginnings to this capital-g Great Work, a classic in the making (honestly I've heard it on tumblr and think it myself that this could be, like, a seminal codywan fic), it's been an absolute delight to read. Even when it has to break our hearts a little.

Each moment of comfort shared between them, along with each moment of quiet affection, each moment of solemnity was more impactful than the last. I also loved realising along with Cody that obi-wan had survived a 300ft fall before, what a great scene. Not to mention the tension in all the chipped scenes, just agonising.

Anyways, another beautiful fic! Can't wait to see what you'll share next :)



Make Your Bed (Lie in It) (58k): Cody and Obi-Wan share a bunk during the war and this changes some things. I love all the ways in which this AU moves events just SLIGHTLY to the left and then the butterfly effect impact afterwards. The Cody and Obi-Wan relationship development is also just impeccable.


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