Mad Dogs

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Title: Mad Dogs
Author(s): Sleeps With Coyotes
Date(s): 26 October 1998 (Mad Dogs)[1]
1 November 1998 (Phoenix in the Snow)[1]
17 December 1998 (Reprieve)[1]
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Mad Dogs I-III (The Basement)
Cover by X

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Mad Dogs is a Mulder/Krycek series by Sleeps With Coyotes. It has three parts. X made a cover for the series. It was displayed at the top of part one at the author's website.

  • Mad Dogs: There's a reason why Krycek always comes back for more...
  • Phoenix in the Snow: Mulder takes Krycek away to pt the pieces back together, but their enemies have other ideas...
  • Reprieve: Mulder needs answers and breathing room if he's to help Krycek, bt will he get either?

Recs and Reviews

[...] Ladonna, AKA Sleeps with Coyotes, takes a really interesting spin on the M/K relationship in this one. In this series Mulder finds out that his father did some kind of mental programming on Alex to make him protect Fox. Once he finds this out Mulder attempts to figure out what his father did and how to reverse it. Whatever was done to him is having some negative effects on Alex, making him dangerously reckless and violent in his desire to protect Fox. Mulder tries to help Alex since he feels responsible, his father having fucked with Alex's mind in such a manner. In an odd way Mulder becomes just as protective of Alex, in his desire to undo the damage his father caused. It's like he absorbs some of those protective qualites. he realizes that Alex is trying to help him and this programming he has undergone will break him unless Mulder finds a way to help him. A wild take on the relationship and an interesting what if? she played with in this one.[2]

(XF) Mad Dogs by Sleeps With Coyotes: Alex swoops in with his cool-ass mutha-fuckin' car, and save Mulder's fucking life, all while being the sexiest fuckin' thing I've ever fuckin read. FUCK YEAH! XD R: Can you tell I'm excited?! I don't think that I've seen Alex Krycek being so...damned...COOL! Seriously, though, the kind of cool that makes you tingle you-know-where. The love scene was awesome. The fact that Alex had to hold back some unforeseen aggression directed towards Mulder/the demons in his own psyche was way past poetic. I am now obsessed with that song, too. Krycek/Mulder *****+

(XF) Mad Dogs 2- Phoenix in the Snow by Sleeps With Coyotes: Now we've got some mutha-fuckin' emotional shit goin' on. Fuck yeah to that, too! R: The need that Alex shows for Mulder, and the acceptance that Mulder has for him is just...I can't even explain it. Mulder might not fully understand what the hell is going on in Alex's head, but he is okay with the possibility of never knowing everything. Sure, he does want to know, but he knows that Alex might not want to know himself, so he lets it be. Gah, I wish I were Mulder! I'd even take the beating just to be with Alex. Krycek/Mulder *****+

(XF) Mad Dogs 3- Reprieve by Sleeps With Coyotes: And the fuckin' and lovin' continues.

R: I was worried for a second that all of the spark that made Alex who he was in this story was sapped right out of him, but I was pleasantly surprised that he still had it. I'd like to think that he's just showing a part of himself and that part hasn't gone far. He's kind of like me in that aspect, or at least I like to think so. Krycek/Mulder *****+[3]

M/K Mulder is a total cuddler and Krycek, well Krycek is completely out of his mind ^-^ which I admit is a touch ooc but Cuddler!Mulder and Crazed!Krycek are just soooo cute together. Mulder gets to snuggle Krycek without almost no angst. I mean it`s a non-comedic XF fic, angst is a requirement. Mad Dogs manages to balance it nicely though, which is sweet.[4]


  1. ^ a b c Date the story was posted to the nick-fixx mailing list.
  2. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 28 March 2015)
  3. ^ Slash Recs of ScarletFBL: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 02 April 2015)
  4. ^ LilyCharlotte. The Blanketfort's Fic Rec Page: X-Files. (Accessed 03 April 2015)