Machine of Intention

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Title: Machine of Intention
Author(s): Patti MacKinnon
Date(s): July 12, 1994
Length: 78K
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: posted here
earlier copy

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Machine of Intention is a very early X-Files story. It is by Patti MacKinnon.

For similar works, see List of Very Early X-Files Fanfiction.


"In the aftermath of the X-Files shutdown Mulder and Scully go their separate ways -- Scully in a high-profile position, and Mulder on the trail of a horrific serial killer. But the memories of the X-Files cases plus the appalling nature of his current case may be pushing Mulder to the brink when he starts thinking he has a psychic connection to the killer."

Author's Notes

Here's the latest DDEB Black Ops contribution to the in-between seasons .creative free-for-all. I couldn't have written this without the help and contributions of fellow DDEB'er Agent Marisa Golini (dialogue tweaking, newspeak writing and all around support during the mid-story freak-out) and Agent Ian Shearer (that walking encyclopedia of classified tech information, who supplied the FBI buzztalk and informed me of the existence of an HRT).

I also want to thank Kellie Matthews-Simmons for giving me permission (through Agent Golini) to refer to her character Gemma (one big happy family) and the .net-hussy-cum-goddess [Janis J], for making me realize in the first place that writing for the net was not only possible, but damn fun. (kissies).

And of course, the ritual thank you to Chris, David and Gillian and the whole darn crew in Hollywood (North and South) for providing us with one of the first interactive television shows (we gather and scream at the TV set once a week).

Hi to the GATB; put a scene in just for you... enjoy!

Note: Timeline wise, this story occurs after "Gemma" (1 and 2) and before "Sam-I-Am" and the soon to be uploaded "The Fire Eternal". All other stories occur in an alternate time-line in the multiverse.

The usual disclaimers apply.

Reactions and Reviews

It's so much fun to read a story with this much going for it: a profiling Mulder, a dolled up Scully, a mad serial killer, jealousy and confusion all around, and a well-paced, emotionally-charged writing style. Fabulous! [1]
