Lure of the Fox

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Title: Lure of the Fox
Author(s): Caroline O'Callaghan
Date(s): summer 1997
Genre(s): het, x-file, MSR
Fandom(s): The X-Files
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Lure of the Fox is an X-Files story by Caroline O'Callaghan.

It was one of the stories commented on in the later-controversial post REVIEW: Fan Fic, Summer '97.

Reactions and Reviews

To label "Lure of the Fox" an MSR would be doing this story by Caroline O'Callaghan a great injustice because it would chase off NoRoMos, and that would be a shame. The story holds a compelling x-file, fully explored, a few interesting side-plots that are (as our Spotnitz puts it) delicious, and full-bodied, original characters. O'Callaghan's writing is intelligent and accessible. She makes it easy for readers to get caught up in her stories. If she were in print, I'd call her a "page-turner." "Lure" is about Mulder and Scully heading back to the woods (their favorite place) to track down a man killing young girls. They learn that not everything is what it appears to be. There's action and adventure here, and the romance isn't mushy, really.[1]

This is a story that i really enjoyed, and yet, i came across it by accident, not ever having heard it recommended. for some reason, the thought of Mulder competing with a woman for Scully's affection is cool to me.[2]
