Lost at the Edge of the Sun

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Title: Lost at the Edge of the Sun
Author(s): zortified
Date(s): 11 February 2011
Length: 24,477 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Lost at the Edge of the Sun (AO3, you need to log in)

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Lost at the Edge of the Sun is a Steve/Danny story by zortified. It is listed at "Taka's McDanno Rec List" under "Angst".[1]

Summary: Living in Hawai'i is expensive, especially when you're still paying a mortgage on a house back in Jersey. When things get to be too much, Danny has to make a hard decision. The hardest part is keeping the rest of the team from finding out that he's homeless.

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it: This is a well written, timely piece, that takes into account an aspect of life rarely covered in fic. We really feel for Danny’s struggles and enjoy seeing the everyday life of the Five-0 when they aren’t in the midst of breakneck action and adventure.[2]

Having worked in many fandoms, I'm so thrilled to see James discover H50 and write this wonderful, heart wrenching romance that will make you fall in love with Danny 'Danno' Williams. So realistic it hurts, Lost at the Edge of the Sun reaches past the action/adventure of just another cop show and exposes life in today's economy where tough decisions are happening. If this sounds dreary, it isn't. Instead James makes the characters three dimensional and vibrant, living a real life between one emergency and the next. Writing from Danny's POV, she reminds of what its like to be somewhere strange and new while juggling all of life's unexpected curve balls. The personal insights are like reading a story in HD - Sharp & crystal clear, Danny's troubles are almost tangible. Don't worry, though, she hasn't forgotten Kono, Chin, or McGarrent. James really takes the time to explore and examine the relationships developing at 5-0. By the time McGarrett catches a clue, you may have a lump in your throat but you'll be cheering for more. This isn't your mom's old harlequin. Instead, this is a romance where your lead can stand on his own two feet even in tough times and still find love, happily ever after.[3]

Anonymous; What are your favourite McDanno fics? I'm craving for good fics!

My all time favourite 3 McDanno fics are these: Lost at the Edge of the Sun [...] Why: Perfectly written Danny whump. The interactions with Danny and Steve are so perfect, and the fic is really well written.[4]

So usually I look to H50 stories for light-hearted or actiony stories, but this one, while not really angsty, is a more poignant and thoughtful offering. It illustrates so well that very often people who find themselves homeless are actually employed, but are in difficult circumstances anyway.[5]


  1. ^ soulkiss1520. Taka's McDanno Rec List, updated: 03/06/2015. (Accessed 05 June 2016)
  2. ^ shinysylver in: h50-rec-room. Themed Thursday (5/12/10) - Long!Fic. (Accessed 16 May 2016)
  3. ^ qbic1 in: epic_recs. RR - Harlequin, 22 February 2011. (Accessed 01 June 2016)
  4. ^ fuckyeahmcdanno. What are your favorite McDanno fics?. (Accessed 02 June 2016)
  5. ^ "Rec: Lost at the Edge of the Sun by james, Nov 2 2014". Archived from the original on 2022-12-20. {{cite web}}: no-break space character in |title= at position 36 (help)