Lost and Found in Wyoming

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Title: Lost and Found in Wyoming
Author(s): Dasha K
Date(s): 2002
Length: 17K
Genre(s): SA, Rated PG
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Lost and Found in Wyoming

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Lost and Found in Wyoming is a X-Files story by Dasha K.

The author comments: "I've always had a bit of a soft spot for this story because for a long time it was the "last" X-Files story I wrote. :)" [1]

Reactions and Reviews

I swear I don't know where I was when this gem debuted in May, 2002. No matter. It was just like finding a leftover Christmas present you forgot to open. Intoxicating storytelling, as only DashaK can do. One of the things I love most about her writing (besides the immpeccable grammar, detail fixation, visual texture and human resonance) is the way she gets you to see things you've looked at a million times in an entirely new way. This encounter between M&S and an unsuspecting William will break your heart and restore your faith all at the same time. Yes, hope is a thing with feathers and in these dark days, stories like this one take flight. A singular gem from one of fanfic's incomparable authors.[2]


  1. ^ comment at her LJ, May 2002
  2. ^ The Basement Office, February 26, 2003