Lord Vader's Son

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Title: Lord Vader's Son
Author(s): Ellen Randolph
Date(s): 1985, 1988
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Wars
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Lord Vader's Son is a Star Wars story by Ellen Randolph.

It was printed in The Wookiee Commode #2 and reprinted in Sanctuary.

Author's Comments

From the preface to the zine Sanctuary:

"Lord Vader's Son" is yet another Luke's Emotional Crisis story — the dear boy does agonize so nicely, after all. Transition-between-movies stories are just as dangerous to attempt as fill-in-the-script-gap stories. They should stand on their own with real live plots to hold them up, but because everybody already knows what happened next, it's difficult to create any real suspense. Still, both kinds of stories are impossible to resist when constructing a universe around the films. They're useful explorations of motive and character; neat little exercises in sequencing; intellectual puzzles. They can be used to sneak in references connecting one's own stories to the Saga — and they can move the personal universe away from the films, too. Finally, because the major plotline is there to hang the thing on, the writer doesn't have to work quite so hard.
