Let The Journey Begin

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Title: Let The Journey Begin
Author(s): Jori Remington
Date(s): 1999
Genre(s): slash crossover
Fandom(s): The X-Files/JAG
External Links: Let The Journey Begin (The Jori Remington Archive)
Let The Journey Begin.png

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Let The Journey Begin is an X-Files/JAG slash crossover series by Jori Remington. The series of stories explores the relationship between Fox Mulder and Harmon Rabb over a decade. The stories are set in the present (as of story date) and the past of the characters.

The first part of the series, Turning and Returning, was the Winner Third Place in the category Best Mulder/Other Romance of the 1999 Spooky Awards.

The Slash Slut's Recs link page links to the story page.


TURNING AND RETURNING - Years have passed since Fox Mulder and Harmon Rabb last met, but now they are drawn together again to investigate a series of mysterious deaths on a Naval base. Written from Mulder's POV, the two men try to keep the past they once shared in proper perspective. NC-17 for m/m sex. Completed 10 May 1999

SWITCHING AND EFFECTS - Set during the 1991 events of 'Turning and Returning,' Mulder and Harm meet for a weekend away. NC-17 for m/m sex.

ADDICTION AND VOLITION - Set during the 1991 events of 'Turning and Returning' but before the events of 'Switching and Effects,' Mulder spends the night racing to what he needs the most. NC-17 for m/m sex.