Lessons (The Toy Box)

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Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan Fanfiction
Title: Lessons (The Toy Box)
Author(s): Xochiquetzl
Date(s): 09 July 1999
Length: 17k
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
External Links: Lessons (The Toy Box) (Master & Apprentice)

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Lessons (The Toy Box) is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan story by Xochiquetzl.

Summary: Obi-Wan introduces Qui-Gon to his toy box. ;-)

Recs and Reviews

Working your way through the archive? Made it to authors beginning with X yet? Ever wondered why authors beginning with X are so fond of BDSM? Must be xomething in the air...

This is just a pwp, the third and best by Xochiquetzl in a little Lessons series, where Qui-Gon is taught by his confident and very knowing padawan how to stretch his ideas of what can be pleasurable. What makes it stand out is the delicious characterisation of both men, and the very hot image of Obi-Wan cutting a sheet to pieces with a single-tail whip. I think authors should work to justify Qui and Obi getting into consensual BDSM; but too few really bother. Xochiquetzl calmy presents it as a given - yet it's like a duck gliding through water: underneath, in a very short piece, the author is going flat out to suspend your disbelief, and ease you into a situation that never gets too edgy. If you've never been very interested in the kinky end of Q/O fiction, this is the one story that might pull you in. [...]

It's a shame that the other stories in the Lessons series don't quite live up to this one; but you might want to read them anyway, if only for the background to the little games Q&O are playing. Oh, and is that not simply the best last line?[1]


  1. ^ gloriana in tpm_flashback. Lessons (The Toy Box) by Xochiquetzl, 24 October 2004. (Accessed 16 April 2015)