Legacy (Blake's 7 story)

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Title: Legacy
Author(s): Tara
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Legacy is a Blake's 7 story by Tara.

It was published in Fire and Ice #3.

Reactions and Reviews

A sad, bittersweet PWP, and one I like very much. Avon finds Blake briefly after Star One.[1]

i like but do not love this one, too. it's nice, though. it posits that avon did find blake in between star one and terminal, but blake was like 'i am making a base - please stay with me and help with this' and avon was like '...i do not think so. that sounds like a death trap' so they agree to temporarily go their separate ways on the understanding that they will be drawn back together because they love each other, although avon tells blake he will only come back if there is a lot of money (thus the terminal bullshit money plot, you see?) but they both know this is a lie and thathe will come back for blake. anyway - another perfectly pleasant fic. thank you 'fire and ice'. you are being very good to me.[2]


  1. ^ In 2007, Judith Proctor reviewed the zine here, Archived version
  2. ^ In 2013, aralias reviewed the zine on Dreamwidth, Archived version.