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Title: Ke$hastuck
Author(s): austy
Date(s): December 14 2012–
Length: 315 pages
Genre(s): gen, alternate universe
Fandom(s): Homestuck, RPF (technically)
External Links: MSPFA
⇛ Ke$ha: Play Sburb.

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Ke$hastuck or Keshastuck is a Homestuck fanfiction by austy about a fictionalized version of the musician Ke$ha playing SBURB, along with the artists Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Marina (as Electra Heart), and Nicki Minaj. It was revived in 2020 after a 6 year hiatus, with the last major updates occurring in 2014. A rewritten version of the first 171 pages was released August 23, 2020.


Ke$hastuck has a number of fansongs associated with it, primarily consisting of the vocals of the artists featured as characters mashed up with official Homestuck songs.

(This list is incomplete at this time, and mainly by one artist. Due to Youtube issues.)

Fan reactions
