Just Like You and Me

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Title: Just Like You and Me
Author(s): Myra
Date(s): 1997?
Length: 65 chapters
Genre(s): AU het romance
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: Just Like You and Me and Prison of Lies

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Just Like You and Me is a Hanson fanfic by Myra. In typical early Hanson fanfic style, the story centers around all three Hansons' relationships with a group of sisters who happen to be the same ages.

Prison of Lies

Prison of Lies is the sequel to Just Like You and Me. It takes place three years later and centers around more adult issues, as Isaac marries one sister and Taylor goes away to college with another.

Reactions and Reviews

As the story goes on, I can see why people considered Myra’s stories so “adult.” She tackles a lot of the typical after school special topics, although few of them are handled well. I don’t have any complaints about including those topics—teen pregnancy, eating disorders, etc—in fic, but Myra’s sparse writing makes it hard to connect to the characters emotionally and all the drama just falls flat.[1]

you get into this story! First you think "oh! i hate myra! " then "I love her!"[2]

It wasn't a bad story, but it wasn't particularly amazing. Overal though, I did like the story. Somehting kinda cool was, that the story was 64 chapters (sheesh!), right? But I didn't want to get it off my browser! I think, if I had the time, I may have read it all in one sitting. Theres something about this story thats really addictive. I thought the characters were very "personalized", and I'd have to say that my favorite relationship was between fifth-graders Zac and Michelle, LoL. I just thought it was so darn cute! [3]

A new family moves into Tulsa one day, near the Hanson bunch. They meet up, and although things don't go smoothly at first, the girls eventually fall in love with the Hanson boys. This one will keep you reading![4]


Just Like You and Me is featured in the PlaceToHide.net and Various Artists halls of fame, as well as the Hanson Story Database top 50.
