Jericho (Starsky & Hutch story)

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Title: Jericho
Author(s): Morgan Logan
Date(s): 2005, 2016
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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Jericho is a Starsky/Hutch 137-page story by Morgan Logan.

front cover of the 2016 print zine
back cover of the 2016 print zine

According the author, this story will never appear online.


It was originally published as a fic in Venice Place Chronicles in 2005.

In 2016, molo published it as a standalone zine. The zine is perfect bound with a glossy color cover and 12-pt type, trade paper interiors. It has a cover illustration by Lorraine Brevig, was beta-ed by Dana Austin Marsh.


From Venice Place Chronicles: "Walls built for protection can so easily become a trap, and a barrier to the truth. And sometimes love is the only thing that can bring them tumbling down."

From the standalone zine: "[Jericho] is a what-if set after Snowstorm. What if the boys in blue weren't too happy with Starsky and Hutch for taking down the dirty cops Corman and Burke? What would life be like around the precinct for our guys? (Casefic, Hutch h/c, emotional h/c for both our guys, rocky relationship.)"
