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Title: jaywalkers
Author(s): batman
Date(s): May 17, 2015-December 31, 2016
Length: 126,997 words
Genre(s): College AU
Fandom(s): Haikyuu
External Links: on AO3

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jaywalkers is a series of 24 College AU Haikyuu fanfics, the primary ship being Kurotsukki with BokuAka and YamaYachi as side ships.

Summary: A collection of stories the morals of which all amount to: if something can go wrong, it will. Also, if something can go right, it also will.

Alternatively, that one college AU where everyone fucks all the shit up.


As of August 2021 the series as a whole has 904 bookmarks, while the most kudosed individual fic in the series, five foot something with the skinny jeans, has over 2300 kudos. The series is considered a "classic" Kurotsukki work, and has inspired many other writers' characterization of this pairing. The fic has been translated into Russian.

THIS SERIES. DESERVES SO MUCH MORE. the humour in itself has me crying, but all of the small angst had me in tears too. this fic made me ship kurotsuki. i have sworn off blackberries. i worship a reptile and stan ed sheeran now. i read this religiously. please, read it. - ooloong-tea[1]
