It's Absurd

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Title: It's Absurd
Author(s): Ketenn
Date(s): June 2, 2020
Length: 19,955 words (5 chapters)
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Miraculous Ladybug
External Links: fic, archived vers.;
art, archived vers.;
Fic banner by scribblesfrometheria

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It's Absurd is a GabeNath fanfiction written for the GabeNath Mini Bang. It is rated T for Teen And Up Audiences, with the Archive warning No Archive Warnings Apply. The fic was beta-read by MadCattery and art was provided by scribblesfromtheria.

Fic Info

Additional Tags

  • Humor, Romance, Small adventure, Crack, Chaos, Angst, Swearing (French), mild alcohol consumption, Movie References & Allusions, Book References & Allusions, open-ended, Canon Compliant, gabenath mini bang, gabenath mini bang 2020


The reception at the Bourgeois manor was supposed to be the normal kind of exceptional. Gabriel Agreste finally graced everyone with his presence, and Nathalie’s only job was to help defend his personal space. But then the lights went out, Adrien ran away, cheese went missing... and it was suddenly up to Nathalie to save the evening. Throw in suspicious characters, a phantom stalker, and an oddly-behaving boss, and Nathalie suddenly had a very big headache.


By July 2020, It's Absurd had received 31 comments, the majority of which were positive. A few are included below:

The summer château was beautiful, though true to its name it would be unsuited for habitation during any season other than summer. For example, the ballroom, which was situated on the ground floor, had no walls on the side of the room that looked to the garden, only glass up to the first floor. In some places, canals spiralled into the ballroom from the fountain outside, the water in them babbling softly and providing a soothing background sound to the chamber. The canals cut the ballroom into sections and banished the dance floor into a small corner.

Holy crap this place sounds amazing, I need to visit ASAP!

“I’m sorry that I ran off, guys. It was very, very urgent,” Adrien explained.

Okay, but what could be so urgent? There wasn't an akuma if Gabriel was still at the party, nor an amok. Was Plagg hungry? Why not just do what Nathalie did and say you had to go to the bathroom?

“Please Éloise, help me get to the drinks. I don’t feel...”

Uh oh. Nathalie's already in poor health. She doesn't need whatever dress-changing trickery is happening to make things worse!

--Amsves on Chapter 1

The bitch tension between Nathalie and Audrey is delicious

--GranadaCtonica on Chapter 3

This chapter was too much for me. "The Moment" was incredibly beautiful, and everything else was so funny. Congratulations on your story.

--carola_tavs on Chapter 4

This was so much FUN. I loved it! Hijinks galore! I wouldn't even call this crack, it's just a good, funny story.
Also Plagg DEFINITELY stole that cheese.
I loved the whole mystery of it. It felt like a Scooby Doo chase.

--ShadowMayura on Chapter 5

This was delightful! This tone of lighthearted mystery and havoc is really different from anything I've read for this ship, and it was so fun and refreshing to read. And of course there are emotional moments sprinkled in - I love the dance at the end.

--NotGarfield on Chapter 5