Indiana Jones and the Last Taboo

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Title: Indiana Jones and the Last Taboo
Author(s): Fedora
Date(s): 2000-2001
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Indiana Jones
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Indiana Jones and the Last Taboo is a six-part Indiana Jones story by Fedora.

The pairing is Indiana Jones and his father, Henry Jones.

The first two parts were printed in Dyad #20 and #21.

The last four parts were not printed in a zine.

All six parts were posted at The Android's Dungeon, see Indiana Jones and the Last Taboo.

The Parts

  • Illumination ("After their return from Hatay, Indy and Henry find it difficult to settle back into everyday life. Then a speaking engagement in New York becomes the catalyst for a new twist to their always complex father/son relationship.")
  • Reaffirmation ("Can what happened in New York be anything more than a freak occurrence, and how will this new love affair fit into the lives of two unremarkable academics? Indy and Henry struggle to make sense of their altered reality.")
  • Celebration ("Christmas brings friends, indiscretions, revelations, promises, threats and a disastrous party that looks like wrecking everything. What knowledge is Indy hiding from his father, and why is he no longer afraid to have their secret known?")
  • Autana ("Crash-landing a crippled plane a thousand feet up in a South American rainforest turns out to be the start of a deeply romantic and tranquil time for the unexpected lovers; not a moment to lose, either, as war clouds are gathering.")
  • The Hero is Back ("The war is over at last, and most of the men have returned home. Henry's son, however, is still missing; last heard of in a notorious prison under a false name, it seems to Henry very possible he may never return.")
  • Fighting Dragons ("Returning to Walter Donovan's apartment in Venice allows Indy and Henry to confront the demons of the past few years, and to begin to consolidate plans for what could be a very long life together indeed.")