In the Springtime of His Voodoo

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Title: In the Springtime of His Voodoo
Author(s): shaenie
Date(s): 08 November 2012
Length: 9,821 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, BDSM
Fandom(s): The Avengers (2012)
External Links: In the Springtime of His Voodoo (AO3)

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In the Springtime of His Voodoo is a Steve/Tony BDSM story by shaenie. It's the first part of the Don't Look too Closely (all the angles are oblique) series, a MCU canon AU that starts before the events in the Avengers movie.

Summary: “I’m removing Captain Rogers from this base, but not from active duty. I want him as SHIELD’s liaison to Stark Industries first and foremost. He’ll report directly to me,” Fury says. “As it is, your identity as Captain America is not public knowledge and it will remain that way until I say otherwise. That said, if you think you can get Tony Stark to work with you if you disclose that information, you have permission to do so.”

From the author's notes:

kind of a Canon AU? At least in the sense that Steve has some time on his hands after he wakes from the ice, and Fury gives him a job to do. So. Pre-movie, really.

Recs and Reviews


Steve Rogers becomes a SHIELD liaison to Stark Industries. [...] Steve is a virgin discovering his kinky submissive side.[2]

These version of Steve and Tony is way burning hot. Steve has levels and levels of Identity porn going on here, Army or Shield, artist or soldier, Captain Rodgers or Captain America, and I love how you played with him balancing all those parts of himself so he can decide so confidently what he wants to do. Plus, I want to see Tony lose his mind when he figures out he's been boinking Captain America, whether it's shock or anger or bemusement or fanboy squealing. And Tony! He's like this complete selfish bastard, but he's super nice and polite about it. I'm super curious to see what's going on behind the polished exterior, he couldn't possibly be as confident as Steve is seeing him! I so noticed you hiding your chest thing Tony, or you feeling vulnerable about it?[3]

That is one of the hottest things I've ever read, and so beautifully well thought out and in character as well! I'm so glad to hear you're considering sequels to this fic... I would absolutely love to know how far Steve is prepared to go in this exploration of himself, and of Tony. Brilliant fic, I loved every word![4]

Scorching. Love Steve's characterization and his smarts (and Fury being the only one to recognize them, at first) and his eagerness to explore his sexuality like this. Love Tony being intrigued by Steve's personality and honesty in addition to his looks. Fiercely, fiercely hot, and then the kiss at the end? Melted me. Wonderful.[5]

AU, Tony and Steve have come to an agreement in order to get Tony to sign several important engineering contracts for the Army.

Memorable event

- tug-o-war between SHIELD and the military over how to entice Tony Stark to play ball with them
- Steve is sent in to negotiate with Stark
- Awesome sexy time happens. bottomvirgin!Steve[6]


  1. ^ spinkbottle. Pinboard: In the Springtime of His Voodoo - shaenie - The Avengers (2012) [Archive of Our Own], 15 January 2013. (Accessed 05 July 2013)
  2. ^ radiophile. Pinboard: In the Springtime of His Voodoo - shaenie - The Avengers (2012) [Archive of Our Own], 10 November 2012. (Accessed 05 July 2013)
  3. ^ Everbright. AO3 comment, 09 Novenber 2012. (Accessed 05 July 2013)
  4. ^ Rhi. AO3 comment, 09 Novenber 2012. (Accessed 05 July 2013)
  5. ^ theladyingrey42. AO3 comment, 09 Novenber 2012. (Accessed 05 July 2013)
  6. ^ Bgtea. AO3 bookmark, 20 Novenber 2012. (Accessed 05 July 2013)