In Your Dreams (Beauty and the Beast zine)

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Title: In Your Dreams
Editor(s): Guinn Berger
Date(s): May 1992
Medium: print
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (TV)
Language: English
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In Your Dreams is a het Beauty and the Beast 197-page anthology.

The art is by Sandy Chandler Shelton, Andrea Dumasius, Jackie Kapke, Patricia E. Leslie, and Teri Milliman.

From the zine: "Age statement required. Will not be knowingly sold to anyone under the age of 18."


  • Confined, fiction by DVS (1)
  • Snippet by Arwen (31)
  • The Enchanted Hour, fiction by Andrea Dumasius (32)
  • Snippet by Arwen (60)
  • Love's Price, fiction by Arwen Bauer & Guinn Berger (61)
  • Snippet by Arwen (83)
  • Facets of Catherine, poem by Arwen (84)
  • More Than Raging Waters, fiction by Jackie Keller (85)
  • Impediment, poem by Gloria DeLeon (99)
  • Love Someone Else, poem by Gloria DeLeon (100)
  • Never Anyone Else, poem by Arwen (101)
  • Eternity, poem by Patricia E. Leslie (102)
  • Captivation by Gloria DeLeon (103)
  • The Journal, poem by Patrica E. Leslie (106)
  • A Time of Decision, fiction by K.J. Morgia (107)
  • A Nightmare is Just a Dream With an Attitude, fiction by Guinn Berger (134)
  • Snippet by Arwen (147)
  • Vignette by Andrea Dumasius (148)
  • Scents-ually Yours, fiction by Arwen Bauer (149)
  • The Legacy of Time, fiction by Judy Keller (Author's note: "The following story contains elements of fantasy/science fiction, and some third season references which may disturb and upset many Classic fans. Please rest assured, however, that the story does eventually set all to rights, if you'll bear with it.") (164)
  • From the Edges of Time, poem by Judy Keller (168)
  • Before the Dawn, fiction by Sarah Conner (169)
  • Snippet by Arwen (197)

Sample Interior

Reactions and Reviews

Few of these stories have a solely sexual focus.

Best stories are “Confined” by D.V.S, in which, with good characterization and surprisingly strong credibility, V is captured and sequestered by Alyce, a young woman who's decided C is unworthy of his love, and who is serenely confident that if she holds him captive long enough, he'll come to agree with her, and love her.

Also good is Sarah Connor's “Before the Dawn,” in which new lovers V & C find the bond won't let them escape a lust-driven mutual haze in which they can't sleep or take any interest in the rest of their lives...not, in this story, a delightful prospect, as some zine writers seem to find it.

Arwin Bauer's “Sents-ually Yours” is a first-time story set off by C's purchase of a new perfume which instantly strips [pun intended] V of all his inhibitions.

There's a recovery-of-C-by-magic story (Arwen Bauer & Guinn Berger's “Love's Price”), and a 3rd-season-was-all-a-dream story (Guinn Berger's “A Nightmare's Just a Dream with an Attitude”), as well as all-purpose Classic.

Karen Morgia contributes “A Time of Decision,” a fantasy story in which V is drawn into another world, where magic rules and he's a king's heir.

Also fiction by Andrea Dumasius, Jackie Kapke, Judy Keller.

Good poetry by Gloria DeLeon, Arwen, Pat Leslie, Arwen Bauer.

Excellent art by Sandy Chandler Shelton; also art by Dumasius, Kapke, Leslie, Teri Milliman. Quite a lot of clip art, borders, but the wordage remains substantial.[1]
