In Dreams You Dream

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Title: In Dreams You Dream
Author(s): Sleeps With Coyotes
Length: ~5,600 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Wars TPM
External Links: (defunct, Blood, Love & Rhetoric)

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In Dreams You Dream is a Star Wars TPM story by Sleeps With Coyotes. It was only archive at the author's site Blood, Love & Rhetoric).

Story header:

PAIRING: Brief mention of "Leth"/OMC, otherwise none.
CATEGORY: Angst, Humor/Parody, Other
RATING: R for implied m/m goings-on, sneak attacks. Very black humor.
DISCLAIMER: People are slashy / When you're a slasher / Lawyers look ugly / When you're not George...
WARNINGS: UNDERAGED SEX! A brief mention of it, that is--nothing graphic, and I don't think it's enough to squick anyone, but then again, look who you're talking to--like I can judge relative squickfactors, yeah right.
SPOILERS: HELL YES. Even though it takes place 14 years before TPM...
NOTES: In amongst the not-sleeping thing, this is a bit of weirdness I came up with on the way to work. While I don't remember the thought process that culminated in the final scene, I have reason to believe that's a good thing. This is to all those folks who pointed out the gaping plot hole in the age-13 cutoff for Apprenticeship, heh... The revolving door problem just got funky.
SUMMARY: The Agri-Corps may not be the end of the world, but as the man says, you can see it from here.

Recs and Reviews

Not only does she write great disclaimers (Way down South in the land of Slashdom / The leather and studs means they're slaves of fashion / Look away! / Look away! / Look awaaaaay / Lucas-man!), Sleeps With Coyotes has written some stories that leave you aching: [...] One more by this author - not Q/O - like the author says, the Agri-Corps might not be the end of the world, but you can see it from here: In Dreams You Dream. There is mention of underaged sex, but not graphic.[1]
