Ill Met in Passamaquoddy

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Title: Ill Met in Passamaquoddy
Author(s): Chajka
Date(s): 2000?
Length: "14 pages (printed out)"
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Man from UNCLE
External Links: File 40

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Ill Met in Passamaquoddy is a gen Man from UNCLE story by Chajka.

Reactions and Reviews

Ill Met in Passamaquoddy is a short, lighthearted U.N.C.L.E. [story] featuring Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin. Apparently, it is set in the original time period. The author says it is "best understood if one has a solid background in Sword & Sorcery, Renaissance Fairs, Monty Python, Xena, swashbuckling and Microsoft Operating Systems." Well, I certainly don't have a "solid background" in all of those and I enjoyed it. However, I would agree that some knowledge of those varied interests would help with your enjoyment of the tale.

The premise of the story is that Will Portal (Get it?) has developed an "operating system ("Whatever that is"- says Solo!), THRUSH wants it and Will wants to give it to U.N.C.L.E. The turnover of the disks is scheduled for the annual Passamaquoddy Faire. Given its title and that the leaves were red and gold, I expect the Faire is in Maine in the autumn of the year. Of course, at any gathering of the Society for Creative Anachronism, people dress and act as medieval characters. Napoleon becomes "Lord Soleau, Paladin of New Amsterdam (hardly medieval) while Illya is a cutpurse.

Now, there wouldn't be any story if T.H.R.U.S.H. didn't find out about the deal and show up to disrupt the turnover of the disks. They also have to dress and act in character. So, the typical skirmishes arc with swords and clubs rather than guns.

The author does a good job describing the Faire and setting the tone of a Renaissance Fair. I enjoyed the typical banter between the agents. Of course, their costumes alone give them plenty of topics for the banter. For example, Illya asks, "Why do I always end up wearing the costume with the tights?

Ill Met in Passamaquoddy is an enjoyable read. Based upon this story, I have already read one of the author's other stories posted at the same site. At 14 pages (printed out), it is a quick, enjoyable read. I recommend it highly.[1]


  1. ^ from Z.I.N.E.S. v.2 n.3, and v.2 n.3