If it's Tuesday; Then This Must be the CMDF...

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Title: If it's Tuesday; Then This Must be the CMDF...
Author(s): Dianne Elliott
Genre(s): crossover
Fandom(s): M*A*S*H, Fantastic Voyage
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"If it's Tuesday; Then This Must be the CMDF..." is a M*A*S*H/Fantastic Voyage crossover story by Dianne Elliott. It was archived in the Drew's Fanfictions website (at http://members.fortunecity.com/gryphbear/cmdf.html) until the disappearance of FortuneCity in 2012.

The story follows Dr. Sydney Freedman, the psychiatrist who was a recurring character in M*A*S*H. Now years later, he is the chief psychiatrist at the Pentagon, and undertaking a tour of secret facilities to evaluate their staff. One by one, he sees each of the members of the Fantastic Voyage team.

The story concludes with his being given a grey and white kitten by Guru, which he intends to give to his daughter.