If They Knew

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Title: If They Knew
Author(s): Shelby Woods
Date(s): 1999-2000
Length: 26 chapters
Genre(s): het romance
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: If They Knew

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If They Knew is a Hanson fanfic written by Shelby Woods.

The story, which features multiple points of view, centers around a love triangle between an OFC, Taylor and Zac.

Reactions and Reviews

If They Knew is the definition of a slow burn. Since it’s unfinished, so is a lot of the drama. At the very least, the love triangle seems to have worked itself out at the point where Shelby stopped writing, and that’s enough to give the story a somewhat satisfying ending. The rest of the drama is left on more uncertain grounds, though. Throughout, the writing remains fairly stilted and Shelby occasionally misuses certain words, but overall it’s still fairly strong writing. It’s enough to get an emotional response out of me, anyway, and that says a lot about how good a story is, if you ask me.[1]

God, another unfinished masterpiece! Shelby is an amazing writer, and I hear she MAY consider finishing this! I hope it’s true (crossing my fingers). Zac and Taylor in a love triangle that is still dangling to this day…[2]

Call me a sucker for passionate love, because that's exactly what I am. One of the aspects I like more of this story is that it revolves around one of the topics of love I most think about: "You only fall in love with the people who challenge you, not the ones who you're comfortable with." Delia is very uncomfortable around Zac when they first meet, and she downright pisses Zac off every time she opens her mouth. But they love each other more than she could ever love Taylor. And Shelby writes this so beautifully that it's impossible to not understand.

I also like the author's ability to create new love topics. You know some of them... Beach at night, dance in the rain, candlelit room. Well, how about a karaoke evening, washing a dog or getting a tattoo? Those scenes are classic now.[3]

One of the first "serious" fiction I read, and still today is a favourite. But alas, It hasnt been updated since I first read it (Nov 01) & it has shown no signs of ever being so.[4]

This one is awesome! However, warning, it isn't finshed and probably won't ever be finshed. Well, I don't know if that is the ending. IT might be. Whatever it is awesome![5]

This is so good. I love it. It's one of the few that I've read more than once. It isn't finished, but you'll keep coming back for updates. It's all about Zac and Taylor's girlfriend. It is excellent. Go read it.[6]


If They Knew won awards in the Hanfic Awards and Literary Hanfic Awards. It is also featured in the Various Artists hall of fame.
