I am Falling

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Title: I am Falling
Author(s): Penny Dreadful
Date(s): 2003 or before
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: online here

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I am Falling is a Blake's 7 story by Penny Dreadful.


I Am Falling: a Blakes 7 story that rips off the movie Groundhog Day. So, like, meta-copyright-infringement. And for a bonus bit of ripping off, a song lyric title. [1]

Reactions and Reviews

Again, a cool, hard and memorable slice of dystopian fiction. It's one of many that take the 'Groundhog Day' scenario and adapt it for fanfiction, but none of them are quite like this, stripped of the humour and amiability and turned into a true living nightmare, as Travis (one of the villain of the series) re-lives over and over the pre-series massacre where Blake shot out

his arm and eye, tries to avoid it with even worse results, and makes a brief, bleak connection with one of the rebels. There's no easy or pat resolution, and parts of the story are deliberately distasteful, but the writing has the same spare, crystalline cleverness as 'Trap of Glass' and I found that it sticks in the mind long after most other variations on the theme have faded.

Recommended for anyone who actually *likes* cold, clear and grim - i e, your average Blakes 7 fan :-)

Again that word of warning: like much Blakes 7 fiction, neither this story nor the others on Penny's website are ranked, and they don't come with warnings. If you go to the website to check other stories, you won't be able to tell from there which are gen and which are adult (meaning het mostly, there is one slash - it's a sendup and IMO it's easy to spot).[2]


  1. ^ the summary on author's website
  2. ^ Sally M at Gen Fic Crit, August 2003