I Took it for a Faery Vision

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Title: I Took it for a Faery Vision
Author(s): Taliesin
Date(s): 2003
Fandom(s): Man from U.N.C.L.E.
External Links: online here

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I Took it for a Faery Vision is a Man from U.N.C.L.E. story by Taliesin.

It was published in the zine U.N.C.L.E. Confidential #5 and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

This story involves our two heroes searching for some important U.N.C.L.E. weapon parts that have gone missing. Thrush is always one step ahead of them, causing the agents to chase around the United States.

But it's the examination of the relationship between Illya and Napoleon that elevates this story to such a high level. They aren't lovers, although some people at U.N.C.L.E. think they are; they are just close friends. But sometimes they need to touch and be touched, to be held by each other and to find comfort with each other. Not by having sex, but by simply feeling the warmth of their partner next to them in the hotel room bed. To quote the story, "Napoleon had always been the kind of man to touch. Illya was the sort of person who needed the occasional touch -- as long as it was from the right person. "

Taliesin captures the need of the two men to be together beautifully.

"I'm telling you, they're gay!"

This, thought Mr. Waverly, was going to be interesting. And in no small part entertaining.

"Gay? What is gay?" Illya frowned. His accent seemed slightly more pronounced than usual.

"Happy," Napoleon supplied with an affected shrug.

"There's something wrong with that?" Illya turned limpid blue eyes on his accuser, his confusion obvious.

Butler sputtered, taken aback. But not for long. "You can't fool me," he growled, putting his hands flat on the table and leaning toward Illya. He was just smart enough, Waverly saw, not to get too close. "I know what you pansy fags get up to on those trips of yours."

"Saving the world?" Napoleon suggested mildly.

Butler made an odd noise in his throat. [1]

Hee! Your excerpt features one of my favorite snippets of IK/NS fanfic banter ever written. I love all of Taliesin's work, but the initial platonic closeness in this one was so beautifully believable for me. Lovely rec! [2]

This whole story has such great lines in it, doesn't it? I also like where Illya causes Napoleon to spray his coffee over the papers.

I agree with you though -- it's the platonic closeness that makes the story so wonderful. My absolute favorite line is Illya came into his arms like a heat-seeking missile followed by my second favorite And how little this had to do with sex. How much to do with necessity.

I had a terrible time picking an excerpt for this review.[3]

I love the whole pansy/queer/fag routine, but it's the one you labeld your second favorite that I adore. And how little this had to do with sex. How much to do with necessity.

And the way it is echoed later in the fic, when they are locked in the coffins.

And Napoleon laughed with what little air he had. For it had never had nothing to do with sex.

And it was still about necessity.[4]

One of the things I love about this story is the insight it gives into how the two of them can be so close and comfort each other without having to resort to sex. It makes the relationship seem deeper and more meaningful to me.

I also have a fondness for seeing Mr. Waverly as a human being and not just a boss, trying not to laugh and actually abetting his agents' comedy act.

Your point about the repetition of "necessity" is good. It has a poetic quality doesn't it?[5]


  1. ^ a 2007 comment at Crack Van
  2. ^ a 2007 comment at Crack Van
  3. ^ a 2007 comment at Crack Van
  4. ^ a 2007 comment at Crack Van
  5. ^ a 2007 comment at Crack Van