I Have Known a Boy Named Fox and a Man Named Mulder

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Title: I Have Known a Boy Named Fox and a Man Named Mulder
Author(s): Penny Daza
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
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I Have Known a Boy Named Fox and a Man Named Mulder is an X-Files story by Penny Daza.

Reactions and Reviews

Quite possibly my favorite story of all. I could not imagine anything sweeter. Actually, in a lot of ways, I see my long wip "Any Other Name" as a tribute to this story. The Conspiracy gives Mulder a drug to make him physically and mentally regress to childhood. Scully takes care of him while he grows back to his normal age in the span of a few months, remembering his life and all its heartbreaks as he ages. Scully helps him defeat his demons, and of course they fall in love (again). [1]

If you fell in love with Mulder right along with Scully you will fall in love with him all over again (and again and again with multiple readings) as she does in this sweet story. [2]

First ever story that made me look further for fanfics like this. Interesting and very original storyline. If Scully is to help Mulder fight his demons, it would be this way!! [3]
