I Am What I Am

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Title: I Am What I Am
Author(s): M. McGregor
Date(s): 2005 or earlier
Length: 261012
Genre(s): AU, Fix-it, Het, Poly
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: TTH Link, I Am What I AM - THE REPOST, Fic Commentary: I Am What I Am

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I Am What I Am is a fanfiction by M. McGregor and is a Xander-centric fic set in the Buffyverse.

This fic was originally shared on the Faith and her Zeppo Yahoo Group, before been archived at I Need a Parrot, the Xander zone of the BtVS Writers' Guild.[1] The author reposted this work following edits, and also posted an annotated version of the work with his thoughts on character and plot development, and his writing process.

It is a Halloween episode fic, a common AU scenario in Xander-centric fics. In this work, Xander dressing as an old man for Halloween results in his much older self arriving in Sunnydale and seizing the opportunity to change his past/future.

This fic was well received and widely recced for its unique take on a common trope. Some readers praised the characterization, while others felt Xander was verging into Gary Stu territory. This is a common complaint of Xander-centric works using this trope.


Ok, if you absolutely need a summary: Xander inadvertantly tells destiny to go F itself.

Author's Exceedingly Wordy (like the rest of this isn't wordy?) Note: I'm making up Faith's last name here since as of this writing it still hasn't been released yet. I may switch the names out at another time once it is released, or I might not. Her last name does have a bit of a meaning for her character.

This will be a F/X story as well as a B/X one. The logistics will (probably) become clearer as the story progresses. Other pairings may evolve later, but I'm not telling.

This is also a sort of unofficial sequel to "Losing Battles."

Reviews and Reception

This is a highly original Halloween fic where Xander dresses as himself, and thereby ends up gaining all his future self's entire lifetime of knowledge of what is to come. It's one of the most outstanding stories that I've ever come across, both in theme and writing.

I didn't include this one in the first set because I assumed everyone would have read it. If I'm wrong and you haven't then RUN don't walk, find a computer and READ IT. You will not regret it. For those who have read it already, perhaps you aren't aware that the author also created a PARALLEL POSTING where the text is interspersed with writer's commentary.[2]

This is, hands-down, my favorite time-travel fic in any fandom, ever. I love the story, and I love the Interludes, where we get to see Xander's life in the future/past, and I love the explanation of time-travel, even if it makes my brain feel like it's gonna explode, and I love how Xander-from-the-future is still recognizably Xander. Basically, this story = pure love. Also? Xander/Buffy/Faith = OT3 like you wouldn't believe, all because of this author, and at least half because of this specific story. Oh, and the author's currently posting a commentary track of this story over at his livejournal

50 Recs for BtVS: Xander Harris by Strina, 2006

This is a halloween fic where, in an interestingly original twist, Xander dresses.... as himself, and thereby ends up gaining all his future self's knowledge of what is to come. If you've ever wondered what it would be like to be able to go back in time and do it right, this is the fic for you. An outstanding read and highly recommended.[3]
