How to Keep Your Mouth Shut

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Title: How to Keep Your Mouth Shut
Author(s): primetime
Date(s): 02 February 2011
Length: 10,072 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: How to Keep Your Mouth Shut (AO3)

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How to Keep Your Mouth Shut is a Steve/Danny story by primetime.

Summary: Danny’s sometimes gay. Gay, sometimes. Does dudes. He doesn’t know how to say it right. He doesn’t know how to say it at all.

Recs and Reviews

the one where Steve catches Danny giving a BJ in a club and then things get crazy.[1]

Why we love it: This one hooked us with the fabulous summary and reeled us in with the first line, and it just got funnier from there. This one has it all: humor, angst and UST. There’s even some police work going on! But the heart of this story is Danny. He is just so uncomfortable in his own skin and a little over-whelmed but still determined to figure it all out.[2]

I am so in love with this story it is crazy. It is one of the best, if not *the* best Steve/Danny story I've read (and I feel like I've read all of them!). It is so *perfectly* in character, especially Steve (your Danny was too, but I think Steve is so difficult to write, and I can never quite hear his voice when I read him but in this it was just right). From him hitting the guys head on the car then the 'So he was your type?' comment after he found out about Danny and they talked about feelings to hidden jealousy and then his 'I think I might be into guys' comment and just everything. Spot on.[3]

This really, really worked for me. I love how Danny is so matter-of-fact about sometimes being gay, doing guys, whatever, no big deal - until it is. And I love Steve trying to be a good friend and being supportive, even when he hates it and messes up. The bit with Steve being an ass to Kono was great because sometimes stuff just slips out and people are assholes when they don't mean to be.

“Danny was just showing us his moves,” Kono explains. “’Cause we missed them yesterday, showing up so late and all.”

“I wasn’t too late,” Chin puts in, totally dry, and Danny chokes a little.

That was such a Chin thing. It made me laugh out loud.

In conclusion: I enjoyed it a lot.[4]

Okay, so this fic is definitely in my top 3 for the fandom. In fact, it may well be my favorite. It's rare in fanfic that you read a truly good male inner voice for a guy, but this Danny is perfect. So it'd be worth reading for that alone. And then there's the plot, and what a plot it is! This story addresses an issue that pops up frequently enough, namely that the military or law enforcement aren't exactly the gay-friendliest environments, so coming out there is not easy. But, boy, does this fic take it to a whole new level.

Anyone who's ever had a one-night-stand knows that running into someone you had sex with and hoped you'd never see again is awkward, but now picture a cop running into someone he banged in the backroom of a cruising bar. While working. Awkwardest arrest ever.

The fic is in turns mortifying, heart-warming, hilarious, scorchingly hot, and its own guy way, adorably sweet. Run to read it.[5]


  1. ^ strictlybecca. hawaii 5-0 steve/danny fic rec list - part one - for lisa. (Accessed 14 May 2016)
  2. ^ shinysylver in: h50-rec-room. Slash Sunday (2/20/11). (Accessed 14 May 2016)
  3. ^ liketostopthen. Comment, 03 February 2011. (Accessed 14 May 2016)
  4. ^ acari. Comment, 13 Feb 2011. (Accessed 14 May 2016)
  5. ^ cccarioca in: crack_van. How to Keep Your Mouth Shut by Primetime (Adult), 06 May 2011. (Accessed 08 June 2016)