How Gravity Works on Planet Spooky

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Title: How Gravity Works on Planet Spooky
Author(s): Khyber
Date(s): 06-04-09
Fandom(s): X-Files
External Links: online here

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How Gravity Works on Planet Spooky is an X-Files story by Khyber.

It is part of the series: Khyber Versus Season Seven.

Reactions and Reviews

“How Gravity Works on Planet Spooky” is the third story in an unfinished project about which I am going to pause here and quote amyhit’s intro in full because she is so much smarter than I am about this stuff in general and this fic in particular.

For those of you who don’t know, KvsS7 is a series of ten stories written by Khyber, the majority of which are set in S7. Most of these stories are vignettes, though there are a couple of longer fics, and they all take place in the same slightly alternate universe. Khyber’s aim was (among other things) to craft a retelling of S7 by replacing some episodes and adding onto others, so that in theory a reader could watch S7, intersperse it with his KvsS7 installments, and wind up with a finished product that functioned as a successful alternate outcome for the season (and perhaps for the entire series). Sadly he never finished the KvsS7 project, but even unfinished the KvsS7 stories are complex, intelligent, and often strikingly intense. They feature a Mulder and Scully who are in character yet subtly different from canon, and a story universe that is written with a level of stunning realism TXF rarely attempted to achieve.

What she said. All I will add is that Khyber’s Mulder and Scully are even more messed up than canon Mulder and Scully. I guess that’s a warning, of a sort. But I have reached the part of season seven where I need something to keep me going forward and rereading Kvs7, as well as the other wonderful fanfic written during and for the season, is that something.[1]
