Hit the Ground Running

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Title: Hit the Ground Running
Author(s): stellarmeadow
Date(s): 15 - 20 July 2011
Length: 26,324 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Hit the Ground Running (AO3)

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Hit the Ground Running is a Steve/Danny story by stellarmeadow.

Summary: Danny gets Steve out of jail. It goes downhill from there.

Author's notes:

This has been churning in my head since the last second of the season finale aired. Had to finish another story, then battle my way through this one. So many thank yous--this would not have gotten done without the encouragement of Celli (who is an awesome cheerleader), Chelsea Frew (who also cheers well and betas fabulously), Cori Lannam (who listens to my constant bitching and plotting and cheers as well), imaginarycircus (another lovely cheerleader who also betas like a pro) and Zarah5 (who cheers and encourages and picks nits more awesomely than anyone on the planet, and has the best music collection ever, with a song for every emotion).

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it: This is a well thought out continuation fic. It seamlessly picks up where canon left off. The fic starts with Danny breaking Steve out of jail and things go downhill from there. It's a premise that could seem unrealistic in other hands but the author has validated every action that Danny and Steve make perfectly. This is a very well done story that has it all: a case, angst, romance, and an ending that will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy.[1]
