Hit & Run

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Title: Hit & Run
Author(s): Frankie & Lucy Snowe
Date(s): ? - 2001
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 (RatB)
Part 7 (TER/MA)

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Hit & Run is a Mulder/Krycek series by Frankie & Lucy Snowe. Part 7 - the epilogue - is by Jami Wilsen.

Summary: Mulder and Krycek have a little chat.

Recs and Reviews

You can thank Jami Wilsen for reminding me of this gem and getting me, inadvertantly, to realize that I did really like this story. When it first came out I wasn't sure whether I did or not. I must have saved and deleted the copies of the thing from my computer several times before I decided to keep it. In this one M/K play a little game of online sex that leads to much more. In a way they are a series of PWP that have some deep talking to them thrown in for fun. The title really says it all about these encounters between the two. They are like hit and run accidents, leaving you breathless and wondering just what happened. They have sortof a non-ending, I'll warn you. That is what turned me off about them at first. Then Jami and I got to talking about it and I realized I liked that non-ending. Frankie & Lucy posted an invitation to anyone who might like to write an ending for it. Only no one ever did. I think because if it doesn't have an established ending you can make one up for yourself. Decide on your own what happens. At first I didn't like that unfinished quality to it. Now I realize I do, I'd hate for anyone to say what happens, I like what I think occurs better. Gives me a little hope, you know. They did a smart thing, leaving us hanging. Makes the story unforgettable and it is truly good. I really do like the thing, even if you are not sure what is truth and what are the lies half the time. What else is new with the X-files. Try it out for yourself. Once you read it, you'll probably be glad it doesn't have an ending, as frustrating as that is. Make up your own, it's more fun that way. Makes it satisifying to have your own idea of what happened. There are about 6 parts to this one.[1]

Ok, my first thought when I read this was: "Why?" As, I stated above part of what I realized I liked about the Hit & Run series was how it was left open to the reader what they felt the ending should be like. Frankie and Lucy had challenged someone to write the ending, but no one ever did. Jami, with the consent of Frankie, wrote an ending for it and decided to post it to the lists. If it had ended any way, but happily and anyone but who we all hoped was at that door was I probably wouldn't be rec'ing it. It did give an ending that was pretty satisifying though, so I thought I'd throw a link up her for it. I still feel that since Frankie and Lucy haven't written an ending it isn't an official one. So anyone else who wants to write an ending to it is free to do so I think. Even though Jami's ending is similar to mine, I'll keep the one I have in my head too.[2]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 27 March 2015)
  2. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 27 March 2015)