Hiraeth (X-Files story)

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Title: Hiraeth
Author(s): Prufrock's Love
Date(s): 2001 or before
Genre(s): MSR, Historical AU, angst
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Hiraeth 1 / 2 / 3 at Gossamer Project
Hiraeth at Prufrock's Love's webpage (Wayback Machine version)

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Hiraeth is an X-Files story by Prufrock's Love.

Reactions and Reviews

This novel length historical AU will not be to everyone's taste (me, it corresponds almost perfectly with my academic interests) but if you've ever been at all interested in medieval AUs, I urge you to give this one a try. Or if the genre has never sparked your interest, this may be the fic to change that. Prufrock's love has transported our beloved characters to a different time, but taken great pains to ensure that they are recognizably themselves. Her creativity in keeping to the essentials of X-Files canon in the 13th century is astonishing, and the level of detail that she includes makes plot events fascinating. Once you start this story you won't be able to stop - I read it basically in one ridiculously long sitting. [1]

My understanding of prufrock’s love’s historical romances is that they are all about previous incarnations of Mulder and Scully; however, I have never been in a position to confirm this. I confess that I am not a fan of the genre so these fics are not huge favorites of mine, but they are very well done and wildly popular, especially “Paracelsus,” the novel set during the Civil War. Her take on the characters has nothing to do with Sullivan Biddle et al. I guess that means “Paracelsus” is her fixit fic for TFWID. “Paracelsus” is the second novel in the cycle. The first is “Hiraeth,” which is set in North Wales in 1215. The third is “A Moment in the Sun,” set in New York, New York in 1953, and it’s my favorite of the three.[2]
