Hello B7 and Farscape Story Collection

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Title: Hello B7 and Farscape Story Collection
Author(s): Vilakins, Redstarrobot, astrogirl2, entropy_house
Date(s): 2005
Length: series of ficlets
Genre(s): gen, humor, crack, fusion
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: on livejournal (Wayback link)

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Hello B7 and Farscape Story Collection is a fusion of Blake's 7 (with some Farscape) and Hello Kitty universes, a series of humorous ficlets written by Vilakins, Redstarrobot and astrogirl2 as gifts for each other. The stories were illustrated by snowgrouse and entropy_house with portraits of Blake's 7 and Fairscape characters in the Hello Kitty style.

Author's Comments

This all started with the icon pairing meme. astrogirl2 and I both had Hello characters who appeared in it, and redstarrobot wrote us a story each to match. Then, when I had a bad day at work yesterday, I requested a Hello Vila and Starky story from astrogirl2, and when she wrote me a lovely one, redstarrobot wanted one too.

It was only fair that I write them one each in return, and I also wrote an extra one for snowgrouse whose lovely icons started it all.

All illustrations by snowgrouse except for the Hello Troopers who are by entropy_house. [1]


  • "Hello Starky and the Decimas" by redstarrobot for astrogirl2
  • "Hello Vila Does a Heist" by redstarrobot for vilakins
  • "Hello Vila Meets Hello Starky" by astrogirl2 for vilakins
  • "Hello Cally Meets Hello Blake" by astrogirl2 for redstarrobot
  • "Hello Blake's Party" by vilakins for redstarrobot
  • "Banik in the Bank" by vilakins for astrogirl2
  • "Tufty Ho" by vilakins for snowgrouse
  • "Hello Avon meets My Little Pony" by entropy_house
  • "Hello Starky skipped through the garden picking flowers..." by redstarrobot (a somewhat darker story)

Reactions and Reviews

astrogirl2: Hee! So very, very, very cute! And I love "Banik in the Bank." But then, I would. I think snowgrouse needs to make a Hello Chiana! Heck, I'm surprised she hasn't yet! :)

(There's still an extraneous "too," at the end of mine, though. Aargh, it bugs me when I repeat words. :))

ladynyks: Here via you know who/where, hi again. Thanks for these, very giggle-worthy. "Some of my best friends are called Hello" was probably the line that cracked me up the most, although Hello Scorpius's tea parties is an oh god idea as well.

scribewraith: *loves* the hello troopers beyond anything else in the universe and well all of it so rocks!

Vilakins: Thank you; we had so much fun with it. I love the Hello Troopers so much I have them on a t-shirt! (Only three of them though). And I admit to a Hello Vila badge to go with it. :-P



  1. ^ from the post by Vilakins collecting most of the stories, September 6, 2005