Heated (X-Files story)

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Title: Heated
Author(s): Joann Humby
Date(s): October 2004
Genre(s): MSR
Fandom(s): The X-Files
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Heated is an X-Files MSR story by Joann Humby.

Synopsis: "A man and a woman. A mission to save the world. They're only human.."

Reactions and Reviews

Trying to write early season MSR is a very thin tightrope to walk. Canonically, obviously, Mulder and Scully couldn’t possibly have had sex until Season 7, at least, that’s what we were led to believe. So we have a really serious affinity for fics that manage to make an earlier consummation seem not only believable, but somehow manage to make it a head canon that it could have actually happened the way they wrote it. Of course we want our FBI babies, unscathed by Scully’s abduction, by her cancer, by Diana Fowley’s return, by Emily, by basically the entirety of Seasons 2-6, to find happiness together. And let’s face it, they seemed well on their way before Scully was abducted. So this particular fic has a very special place in our hearts…and we think it will find a place in yours, too. [1]
