Heart lines

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Title: heart lines
Author(s): mysterytwin
Date(s): 2020-09-10 to 2021-01-25
Length: 205k
Genre(s): Canon compliant, Songfic, Friends to lovers
Fandom(s): Haikyuu
External Links: ao3 link

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heart lines is a kagehina longfic written by ao3 user mysterytwin [2]. There are 7 chapters, each named after a song in a playlist[1] created for the fic.


Hinata swears he’ll rewrite the ending. Kageyama’s been waiting his whole life for the beginning. This is a love story.


Author's Notes

HAPPY KAGEHINA DAY!!!!!!! this fic was born out of my many kagehina brain worms and my need to see them pine over each other for years!!! this also contains heavy manga spoilers and i apologize in advance if there are any inconsistencies within canon since there is only so many things the haikyuu timeline wikia page can tell me.

this is also for chubsonthemoon because she’s wonderful and i appreciate her very much <3 i also made a playlist which you can find here!! there will also be many taylor swift, richard siken, and fleabag references because i couldn't help myself. hope you enjoy!!!

UPDATE: matchapokki drew some really beautiful art for this fic aaaaa please go have a look!!!

Chapter 1: falling for you


heart lines details all of Kagehina's relationship throughout the course of canon, beginning with their meeting and ending with them married.

Writing Style and Narrative Techniques

  • Summer/Winter parallels: mirroring their birthdays on the summer (Hinata) and winter solstices (Kageyama), the two of them realize their feelings for one another in the season of the other's birthdays.
  • Songfic: the chapter titles and several quotes are references to a playlist of love songs.
  • Use of metaphors: Hinata is often represented as daylight. Sky and ocean metaphors are also employed throughout.
  • Use of poetic prose: several passages are more poetic in nature, to great effect on the fic's themes of love and storytelling.


This is how it begins: two boys, facing each other with a pink-streaked sky for them to carry on their shoulders, and a declaration of war said loud enough for the heavens to hear it.

The wind whispers something inaudible, but it is a revelation, the fulfillment of a promise. It is the words an old man once told his grandson, memorized over and over about better players and being found. It is something that they both don’t know just yet, but will learn about eventually. It is for the same reason that they won’t fall in love so much as they will grow into it, two lost souls learning to share the spaces left empty by the other. It is not the best beginning, and it could’ve gone a lot better—but it is the most honest version of it. It is honest, and it is true, and it is what they will learn to be patient for. It is wholly them.

And in time, they will get there.

After all, in order to reach the ending, you must first start at the beginning.

Chapter 1: falling for you

And just like a folk song, this story is passed on, told again and again.

Chapter 2: mirrorball

And if Hinata had looked back, he would’ve found Kageyama staring at the bed of grass that he’d sat on, holding his shape, that same ache echoing within Kageyama’s ribs.

Chapter 3: is this love?

And if he bleeds, Hinata would be the last to know.

Chapter 4: cruel summer

And they believe that the end is coming, closer and closer as the days go by. Because they promised to rewrite it, and this is how it goes.

Chapter 5: sea of lovers

If the story’s over, then why are they still writing pages?

Chapter 6: home

They'd met each other on the shore where the skyline held them close, where they let the truth finally unfold, rewritten. And in that truth they know that their heart lines will always be tied together, whether they're next to each other or oceans away, no matter where they are. They will always be connected. This is still a love story, after all

Chapter 7: daylight


Reception was overwhelmingly positive, with many commenters expressing awe, gratitude, and much happiness.

Reactions and Reviews

[myrseyy] ... my favorite parts have to be the entirety of chapter 4 (i’m still not over it, i’ll never be); the confession scene and how Hinata thinks that he’s always been invincible with Kageyama (the simplicity of it, saying “i’m in love with you” while watching the sky, it’s so them and so soft); the msby vs adlers recap (with kageyama thinking about kazuyo, the whole thing started a huge manga flashback in my head and thinking abt chapter 387 always makes me cry); the photo booth scene with kageyama kissing shoyo on the cheek; kageyama and hinata having a cat and naming her Volleyball (dorks) and the bit where it says they both proposed to each other, so lovely!

about your writing style... everything is just perfect. This is the type of writing that truly inspires me and makes me tear up, i can easily picture in my head all the beautiful scenery you described to us, the nostalgia of high school, the pink skies and the quiet streets of their town we see in the anime episodes. If i tried i could even imagine the sounds and smells of all the places Hinata wanted to commit to memory when he was so young, and it makes me feel even more close to the character, since we all have memories we hope they don’t get washed away by time.

Thank you so much for writing this, i’m sure me and many others will cherish it forever, it’s also clear how much effort you put in it and for that i’m extremely grateful, this was an experience !

[J.K] I am so obsessed with the love story that we can see between hinata and kageyama in haikyu and I feel like you gave us the one we can't see on the canon pages and I... well, I just appreciate you so much for that. It's completely obvious that you loved the story and the characters in how well you wrote them. I would have bought this book or donated or something if you had a link somewhere for such a thing. I think I might have been rendered a little bit dumb after reading this (I mean that in a positive way) and I wish I could say something more meaningful but... I don't know. You've kind of already said every damn thing I could hope to see between these two and I just feel very full and warm and sated and grateful I was linked your story. Thank you for this; you're an artist and you're wonderful.

[chubsthehamster] okay FIRST OF ALL when I saw the chapter title I was like oh shit I Am Not Going to Make It and guess what I was RIGHT because holy shit??? ik i am a broken record at this point but this concept of rewriting the story is SO good and i just adore how it threads through the whole fic like AHHHJSLKDFJS truly this fic is the embodiment of the best of haikyuu canon and the best of what it means to love a story so much you /literally/ rewrite it like??? it's all so meta!!! you rewrite a story about love in which the characters rewrite their own stories about love and I JUST!!!! and above all GOSH this is such a beautiful a love letter to everything haikyuu is--invincibility through the bonds we share with our loved ones, a healthy relationship with one's craft, hope in an uncertain future (but never uncertainty in a PERSON god it literally boggles me to a ridiculous degree that kags has literally NEVER doubted hinata like WHAT THE HECK???), faith that no matter what that future holds there will always be love--it all cirlces back to love AND YOU TOLD US LITERALLY FROM THE BEGINNING, "THIS IS A LOVE STORY" like HELLO IT'S WRITTEN ON THE TIN AND I AM STILL CAUGHT BY SURPRISE!!!! HAIKYUU IS A LOVE STORY!!!

Fanworks and Fan Activity


  1. ^ [1], Spotify playlist associated with this fic