Harry Potter and the Legacy of the Light

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Title: Harry Potter and the Legacy of the Light
Author(s): Gramarye
Date(s): Jan 7, 2002 - Jun 20, 2003
Length: 259,000+ words, 39 chapters
Genre(s): crossover fusion
Fandom(s): The Dark is Rising, Harry Potter
External Links: Book of Gramarye
Sugar Quill
Harry Potter and the Legacy of the Light.jpeg

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Harry Potter and the Legacy of the Light is a Harry Potter/Dark is Rising fusion by Gramarye. It has over 200 reviews on Fanfiction.net and 39,000 hits on FictionAlley. It is a sequel to Town and Gown.

Reactions and Reviews

The first time I read this, I was enthralled. Gramarye managed to capture Susan Cooper's tone and style quite well and the crossover elements (differences in magic styles, etc.) are well thought out and realistic for the story. A lot of the story's HP elements are definitely AU (alternate universe) now, though at the time they were logical and in keeping with the series as developed at that point (2002-2003).


How thrilled I was wen I ran across this fic again, you have no idea! I had started reading this wen I was in 7th grade (I'm 24 now:) and this is e every bit as amazing as I remember. Somehow you combined one of my absolute favorite worlds (Will/TDiR series) with the more modern magic of JKR's Harry Potter. I'm so happy I remembered this well enough after all these years to look for this again and it's now complete-yay! Thank you for taking the time to create a truly believable fusion between two of my favorite worlds.

Meg Cook[2]

Oh, wow! That was amazing! Your writing is really good, and I like your style. The two series were blended seamlessly. It felt real, in a way. Like this actually happened. Your characterizations were perfect, and everyone seemed so human (well, powerful immortal being of the Light if you count Will, but otherwise...). They were all true to their characters, and while I would've liked it if everyone's favorite Old One was a little less cold, I think that wouldn't have been him, if you know what I mean.

Ailavyn Siniyash[3]

Good golly! This was amazing! I've been a Susan Cooper fan for quite some time now, and I have to say, I had my doubts about combining these two magnificent worlds together, but you did it, and did it fabulously, while at the same time paying respect to both worlds.


I absolutely love this fic. I don't see too many The Dark is Rising fics, and although it's been a while since I have read the series, I still enjoyed reading this. It does seem to fit nicely with the HP universe, and the concept is definately believable in this story. Even though you did kill some of the more likeable characters, it wasn't just random or without reason like some authors. Hope to see more fics like this soon.

lady scorpio[5]

I'd never actually finished reading a fan fic before, and never dreamed that one day I would be writing a comment for one. I consider myself too much of a literary snob for that :). But . . . damn, this novel was incredible! I was so hooked that I was secretly printing it out from computers at work so I could read during lunch! I loved the Dark is Rising, and think Harry Potter is a great creation of Rowling's (although it doesn't compare to Cooper's work). Please, take it as a HUGE compliment when I say that I think your writing is much better than Rowling's. Everything that she did wrong in OOTP you did right. Congratulations!


This is truly the best HP fan fiction that I have read and one of the best novels that I've had the pleasure of reading as well. I am not familiar with Susan Cooper's writing but you tell this story and describe the character of Will exceptionally well. Kudos to you!!!


Your Legacy of Light is one of the most brilliant, witty pieces of writing that I have read for a very long time. I'm very tired today because I finished it at 5 this morning. It is an amazing piece of storytelling which I *much* prefer to OOTP.



  1. ^ Rec (2014)
  2. ^ Review (2014)
  3. ^ Review (2012)
  4. ^ Review (2007)
  5. ^ Review (2004)
  6. ^ Review (2003)
  7. ^ Review (2003)
  8. ^ Comment (2003)