Half a World Away

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Title: Half a World Away
Author(s): Jane St. Clair
Length: 68K
Genre(s): Scully/Krycek, M/S UST, Rated NC-17,
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Half a World Away

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Half a World Away is an X-Files story by Jane St. Clair.

Story Header

Spoilers: Sleepless, Ascension, Piper Maru/Apocrypha, Terma

Summary: After Scully is kidnapped and rescued, she finds herself in Alex Krycek's keeping. Disclaimer: Everything X-Files belongs to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions, and Fox. Character creations belong to Gillian Anderson, Nicholas Lea, and David Duchovny. I'm not making any money on this, I'm just having fun.

This story is rated NC-17 for nasty words and not-entirely-vanilla sex. If you're under whatever age you're supposed to be in whatever place you are, you don't know about sex, so go away. Oh, and the people in this story don't use condoms. In the real world, this is very stupid. Practice safe sex, especially when making it with one-armed Russian thugs. You don't know where they've been.

The poetry selections are taken from Yevtushenko's "Zima Junction" and Pasternak's "Hamlet."

Reactions and Reviews

Every time I read this story I get chills. The writing is death-defying, so much energy packed into each phrase, with hardly a wasted word. The characters are raw, hungry, difficult to love -- they've been worn down to the bone and have rediscovered the hard elements in themselves. It's a fascinating trip into Scully's head especially, with a small window at the very end into someone else's. And oh, what an ending. So simple, so sparely written -- it remains one of the best and most memorable I've read in all of ficdom. Well, actually, that goes for the whole story.[1]

As with the previously recced "Deny Nothing" we have Scully and Krycek and kidnapping, only this time it is Scully who has been kidnapped, with Krycek doing the rescuing (more or less). If Rivka T's Scully and Krycek are all sharp edges and banter, Jane St. Clair's have both been worn to greater sympathy by life. Like most road trip fiction, on and off screen, this story is more about the evolution of characters and relationships than it is about place or plot.[2]

HALF A WORLD AWAY by Jane St. Clair. The very idea of a Scully/Krycek pairing will drive off many, but this complex and maturely written story manages to humanize a warped individual and make the roughest and least likely sex meaningful. Rescued from unexplained evil men by Krycek for unexplained reasons, Scully is confined with her captor long enough to establish a psychic link by which they share painful dreams. This forced intimacy--a brilliant writer's idea--provides an understanding between the two that justifies a relationship of sorts, if not a lasting one. There are flaws, but this is nevertheless a wonderful piece of work.[3]


  1. ^ The Basement Office, February 26, 2001
  2. ^ rec at Crack Van, January 2006
  3. ^ rec by estella c at X-Files Book Club, October 2015