Hail Mary

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Title: Hail Mary
Author(s): pianoforeplay
Date(s): 2010
Length: 116,000+ words
Fandom(s): J2
External Links: series on Archive of Our Own; podfic version
fanart by dauntdraws that accompanied the 2010 Big Bang. You can see the rest of the artwork here

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Hail Mary is part of the RPS J2 AU Quarterback Verse written by pianoforeplay. It was written as part of the 2010 Supernatural Big Bang and is part 6 of the seven part series. dauntdraws created the art to accompany the story.


Last year I read Next Man Up and I was blown away by how awesome that story was. (I'm not a football fan but this story made me interested in football) Hail Mary is pretty much the sequel and it's good. The characters had real motives, emotions, and I loved to see how much Jared and Jensen had grown up in the years since Next Man Up to Hail Mary. This story has more football, the sex is hot, and the characters felt real and I really wanted the guys to overcome the obstacles in their way and fall in love. Truly this was a remarkable story and held my attention from page one till the end."[1]
  • "Its after 1 AM, Still reading Hail Mary. I just love this story and can’t seem to stop reading it. Jensen is really getting to me.[2]

You know those fics you only find once in a fandom, and maybe 5 times in your whole fic-reading career? Those fics so epic, and so perfect, they blow everything else you’ve ever read out of the water? Well, this is one of those fics for me. For those of you hesitant about J2, think of this as a movie in which they play these characters. If you changed their names, this could easily be it’s own fandom-free novel. If it were, I would buy it. As it is, we get to enjoy this amazing story for free! Go, go, go.[3]

I can't not rec this story. It has elements that some folks will find unpleasant (see the warnings), but to me, the strength of the storytelling is SO worth it. This story is REAL. The people are real and flawed and the way the relationships progress and change is so true to life that it boggles my mind. And the way that the author tied this story in with it's previous installment (Next Man Up) was just masterful - there were so many small touches that the difference in POV really highlighted. The kind of writing I want to do when I grow up. You know, if I ever write again. Pffft.[4]

: I don’t like football at ALL, but I read this story all the way through, and I even went back to read the entire verse all the way through, simply because I liked the writing style so much. It was clean, and well paced. The writer obviously has a joy for football, and it shows through the writing, with all the details that were included. I got a little exhausted by all the exercise and ball throwing, but that’s just me. When I see football on TV now, I see Jensen in his coaches jacket and Jared throwing a touchdown pass, or kicking or whatever it is they do. This story left a mark on my brain, it was very effectively told.[5]


  1. ^ amalthia's SPN Recs dated August 23, 2010.
  2. ^ sexybowlegs' post on tumblr dated Jan 2012.
  3. ^ avalonrecs rec post on tumblr dated June 2012.
  4. ^ sawedoff-recss 2010 SPN Big Bang Recs dated July 10, 2010.
  5. ^ lovesrain44 SPN Big Bang Recs dated Sept 21, 2010.