Gods of the Copybook Headings

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Title: Gods of the Copybook Headings
Author(s): Sue aka The Android
Date(s): 1984
Genre(s): custom zine
Fandom(s): The Sandbaggers
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Gods of the Copybook Headings is an unfinished gen story by Sue S. that appeared in Disinformation One.

According to an ad in Universal Translator #23, it was to have been published as a zine: "Gods of the Copybook Headings' part 1 is the first part of [S S]'s Sandbagger's saga in which the action is set in Eastern Europe in 1976. Price and page count still to be determined. -- Blue Jay Press."

From a 1996 issue of Strange Bedfellows (APA) ""Gods of the Copybook Headings" is an unfinished Sandbaggers x Pros crossover, sequel to "Cities and Thrones and Powers," both by Sue Stuart, whoever she is."

A photocopy of the story together with the same author's Cities and Thrones and Powers, which appears in Enigma 5, is held in the collection MsC 877 of the University of Iowa Library and has incorrectly been described as an 'anthology zine'. After the author contacted the University of Iowa it turned out that these were two separate photocopies of Sue's stories which had been kept together and erroneously catalogued as a zine. (Information about these copies can be found on the Discussion section of Disinformation One.) It is likely that the 'zine' was compiled by a fellow fan into a custom zine.

