Go Fish

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Title: Go Fish
Author(s): TheFlyingHummingbird
Date(s): April 2018 - January 2021
Length: 720k words; 55 chapters
Genre(s): College AU, slash
Fandom(s): BTS
External Links: ao3 link, Archived version

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Go Fish is a BTS fanfic by TheFlyingHummingbird. It is a College AU. The main pairing is Jikook.

On the Archive of Our Own, it is the twenty fifth most popular BTS fanwork by hit count. As of February 2021, the work has over 292,000 hits, 8,300 kudos, 2,500 comments, and 1,900 bookmarks.


Summary: “What is it you win again?”



“If you win I’ll give you money for a taxi so you can get back to the dorms, but if I win, I own you.”

Or: a seemingly innocent game of Go Fish evolved into something neither one of them had ever expected. Love was just a four letter word until they gave it life.

Reactions and Reviews

I binged this all last night and it's so so so good. Holy shit. It's made me laugh and cry and you just can't help but cheer for Jikook to get their shit together and be happy. I'm in love with this one.[1]

Absolutely amazing Jikook fic! Please don’t be disuaded by the opening and tags, I guarantee it’s a great read. Amazing character development, surprising plot, great smut and lots of fluff. One of the best I’ve read so far![2]


  1. ^ "Jun 22, 2019 Tweet". Archived from the original on 2023-02-04.
  2. ^ "Oct 21, 2018 Tumblr Post". Archived from the original on 2023-02-04.